DLA Piper Advises Oakley Capital on Acquisition of Shares in Daisy

Investment group Oakley Capital Investments (OCIL) has acquired a stake in unified communications provider Daisy Group for £39m.
The London-listed group, which had previously held a 13.6% stake in Daisy Group, said its Fund II bought a minority stake in the Lancashire-based company.
Oakley’s contribution to its Fund II’s equity investment is approximately £14.9m, with a further £14m provided directly to Daisy Group in the form of mezzanine finance.
“We are delighted to be acquiring a stake in Daisy – it is a business we know well and one that has created very significant value for OCIL in the past,” said group director Peter Dubens, who founded Oakley Capital Group after resigning as director of Daisy Group in 2014.
“It is led by a highly respected management team that has recently completed the acquisition of Phoenix IT to create a leading UK unified communications and IT services business.
“We look forward to working with our fellow shareholders and the management team to generate further growth and value over the coming years.”