A Notary for Your Diary – The Seal of Approval That Every Business Needs
With only 800 in the country, finding and accessing a Notary Public for England and Wales can take up
valuable time and resources. However, as Notary Public Anthony Samuels explains, it is all about planning ahead.
Big business is all about big decisions… you’ve heard it all before. But here’s the poser – what happens when the minutiae suddenly become the important cog in the company wheel?
How do you solve a problem like the scenario where a document has to be notarised half an hour before the CEO jumps into his car to head to the airport?
This crucial and urgent work is carried out daily by me wearing my 24/7 travelling Notary Public hat and, as luck would have it, there are very few of me around.
For the uninitiated, a Notary Public (a notary and a public notary) is an officer of the law qualified to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerning estates, deeds, powers of attorney and foreign/international business.
Examples of my work include attesting the signature and execution of personal and corporate documents, administering oaths and declarations, authenticating the execution of documents, attending upon the drawing up of bonds, providing documents to deal with the administration of estates of people abroad, verifying property deals and authenticating company and business transactions.
Pretty standard fare, you would think… but not so standard if the nearest notary is two hours away and fully booked for the day.
I am one of the elusive 800 and regularly come up against just this type of situation.
The solution is meticulous, expert and swift planning.
Recently, I was asked to go to Heathrow Airport late at night to notarise documents for an American company director who was changing planes… so not much room for manoeuvre there. However, because I had carried out all relevant searches and enquiries earlier in the day, and had also prepared the documents in advance, completion was straightforward.
Basically, the process works like this: prior to the meeting, the client scans me everything I need. I then prepare the relevant documentation and inspect the originals when I meet the individual concerned. In the event of legalisation/apostilling at the relevant embassy, consulate or our own Foreign Office, I arrange that too and aim to return the document to the client by hand that same evening.
My USP is that I am there to finalise a case whenever and wherever my client wants and needs me.
If you are a time-is-money business person, knowing that your notarial business will be signed and completed swiftly and efficiently is one less thing to worry about. We are the calm-calm in every urgenturgent situation.
In my case, I am available 24/7 and regularly travel anywhere in the world to meet the demands of my clients. Provided the groundwork is fully complete, the work can be concluded in a remarkably short time.
I am fluent in French and Spanish, conversant in Italian and Portuguese and, importantly, my fees are very competitive for this specialised, bespoke and niche service.
I have worked many years in the law, starting as a sports, property and entertainment solicitor at Nabarro LLP before setting up my own law and property businesses in Central London, North London, Hertfordshire and Surrey, which I sold in 2006.
Thereafter, I was Non-Executive Chairman of Clydesdale Bank plc, South London Region, Treasurer of the Conservative think-tank The Bow Group and a Liveryman and Freeman of the City of London. I am also a Consultant at Howard Kennedy LLP in our beautiful new offices at Number One London Bridge and was recently elected as a Surrey County Councillor, being appointed Cabinet Lead for Property, Assets and Regeneration.
Being a notary sounds exciting , challenging , even adventurous. Anthony never knows what the next day will bring as he serves his clients. We wish him good luck for many years to come