2015 Legal Awards

http://www.acquisition-intl.com/2015-legal-awards M&A awards 52 LEGAL awards ~ Award for Excellence in Corporate Law - Germany Best E-Sport Law Firm - Germany Dallhammer & Kellermann is a midsized law firm located in the heart of the Rhine-Main and Rhine-Neckar region. We spoke to them to find out more about their firm as well as the challenges and opportunities facing them in their region. Our highly recommended and respected law firm advises mid-sized companies on all fields of commercial and corporate law, occasionally acting as an outsourced legal department. Thanks to the reputation we have built for ourselves, the firm enjoys a robust workflow in commercial litigation, employment law and transport law. In our region, the international work for foreign companies in Germany has significantly grown and the firm expanded in 2015 by adding two new lawyers to our practice. We are located in the heart of the Rhine-Main and Rhine-Neckar region, which is one of Germany`s strongest regions with global players such as SAP, BASF, Freudenberger, Boehringer and KSB all having their headquarters in this region. The region is also home of a wide range of midsized German companies as well as branches of foreign companies as Suzuki, John Deer or Roche. The major challenge of the region is to attract well educated employees to this region and maintain its growth. In order to achieve this goal, it helps that the region contains globally recognised university towns such as Heidelberg and Mannheim. Due to the breadth of the companies and industries that are represented in the region, it is important to offer a diverse range of legal services. For this reason, Dallhammer & Kellermann is driven by a full-service approach and is also active as an external legal department for German and foreign companies. The full-ser- vice approach gives way to develop specialties, and one of our specialities is in E-Sport which will give us the opportunity to drive growth in areas such as intellectual property and venture capital. As a full-service accounting firm, we advise clients in all fields of business law and has resulted in us building a network of tax accountants and midsized law firms around the world. The firm is well-connected and our clients get very good value for their money. For this reason the company is often called by other law firms or tax accountants. Furthermore, this network has allowed us to broaden our spectrum and expand our company into different ar- eas. The firm positions its younger lawyers in fields of growth and also tries to position them to their traditional clients and working fields. The firm is open minded to new practice fields and grows with its clients. Despite the growth of the firm, the quality of our services has remained the same. This gives us the opportuni- ty for personnel growth and to further increase our current client base. Company: Dallhammer & Kellermann Name: Dominik Suoniemi Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.IhreAnwaelte.de Address: Wormser Straße 62, 64625 Bensheim Germany Telephone: +49 (0)6251 84290 Dallhammer & Kellermann

http://www.brevalex.com/ http://www.acquisition-intl.com/2015-legal-awards http://[email protected]/ http://www.brinksgilson.com/ http://www.ihreanwaelte.de/ http://www.acquisition-intl.com/2015-legal-awards http://www.acquisition-intl.com/2015-legal-awards http://www.deanmanson.com/