2018 Leading Adviser Supplement

186 Acquisition International - Leading Advisers 2018 1810AI26 Forming and operating a Captive can seem complicated to the lay person, but with Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions Provider of the Year, Pro Group Captive Management, it is all taken care of. oasting a team of more than 2,000 law- yers in 27 locations around the world, it is no surprise that King & Wood Mallesons’ clients have access to a global platform, strengthened by the diversity of the Firm’s team. Over the years, King & Wood Mallesons have worked with clients to help them understand local challenges, con- front national and international difficulties and aid them in sourcing commercial solutions that deliver a compet- itive advantage within the ever-growing global market. Considered as one of major law firms worldwide, King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) have consolidated and increased their international relations making it a leading global firm. When working with clients, King & Wood Mallesons focuses on their requirements whilst pushing the boundaries to achieve the best possible outcomes. As a result, King & Wood Mallesons is at the forefront of legal change and are allowing clients to think differently about what a law firm can be and what it can offer. Each department within the international firm provides something unique, and this is no exception to the bank- ing & finance team, specifically in Madrid. This depart- ment in Spain has been recognized not only within the highly evolving financial market but also through its ac- complishments. Their achievements were recognized on a global scale in 2018 when, along with Banking and Finance Partner, Joaquín Sales, they were award- ed the prestigious title of Leading Structured Finance Transactions and Project Finance Advisor of the Year, Spain in the Leading Adviser Awards 2018. However, for 2018 this was not the only recognition that the Finance team at King & Wood Mallesons - Spain witnessed. Last year, King & Wood Mallesons advised the European Investment Bank (EIB) on the financing of the 9 wind farm project developed for Forestalia Renovables. The project named Goya, accounts for its shareholding with Mirova, GE, Engie and its own company, Forestalia. The direct funding of EIB rises to 50 million euros. The project accounts also for a por- tion of the funding to be provided by a trade union of leading commercial banks, such as, BBVA, the Bank of Santander, and CaixaBank. This deal was named Eu- ropean Wind Deal of the Year at the 2018 PFI Awards. Project Goya was one of the most significant deals in 2018 for project finance in Europe, which, in turn only enhanced the dynamism of KWM. Another noteworthy deal led by Joaquín Sales was the legal advice given to Villar Mir Energía, part of the Group Villar Mir, in the financing of the construction of three wind farms (Sotillo and Tablares), located in B Zaragoza with a total approximate power of 47 MW. This project has been developed under the model ¨turnkey¨ with Siemens Gamesa as the suppliers of the wind turbines. Regarding Joaquín, King & Wood Mallesons – Ma- drid´s esteemed partner, over the years has advised many clients including banks, financial institutions and funds, as well as corporations on all kinds of financ- ing transactions, including project finance, acquisition finance, corporate and asset finance, as well as on structured finance transactions and securitization deals, both domestic and international. He also provides guidance to commercial banks, mul- tilateral banks, funds and corporations in the energy, infrastructure and capital markets sectors. Recent transactions include advising: • Advice to AustralianSuper on an investment in a group of Spanish toll road companies. • Advice to Export Import Bank of China in the Spanish Law aspects of a senior secured financ- ing granted in favour of a Chinese company. • Advice to Clean Energy Finance Corporation relating to the financing of the costs related to the design, development, construction, commis- sioning, operation and maintenance of the first 25MW phase of a solar PV project near Barcal- dine, Queensland. • Advice to Santander Bank on the legal opinions under PRC and Spanish law on the treatment of several export credit structures under CRD-IV, so that the bank can obtain capital relief. • A syndicate of commercial banks on the financ- ing of the Bahía de Bizkaia Gas (BBG) liquefied natural gas terminal • Advice to Spanish PE funds managers in several subscription finance structures. • Advice to SAREB on disposals of distressed assets. • he European Investment Bank on the refinanc- ing of two toll roads • Commercial banks on the financing of a regasifi- cation plant in Spain • Financing transport interconnectors in Madrid hospitals and roads • Financing of energy projects: wind, photovoltaic and CSP • Refinancing of LBOs: acting for senior and mez- zanine creditors. • According to Chambers Europe, Joaquín “is sol- id and reliable, with a very good analytical mind.” Moreover, he is recognized by clients as “a good counterparty in negotiations.” Leading Structured Finance Transactions and Project Finance Advisor of the Year, Spain

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