Leading Adviser Awards 2020

58 Acquisition International - Leading Adviser 2020 Acquisition International - Issue 1 2021 41 Sep20204 Leading Czech Cybersecurity Lawyer As data has become one of the most valuable assets in the world today, so too has the level of crime risen regarding data. Whilst law may be seen by some to be a traditional and long-standing industry, there are those who are innovating and leading the way for handling cases involving technology. Enter, Martin Maisner, recognised in this years’ Leading Advisor collection as the Leading Specialist Information Technology and Cybersecurity Lawyer of the Year, Czech Republic. Discover more about this outstanding lawyer and arbitrator as we examine his professional work. Company: JUDr. Martin Maisner, PhD, MCIArb Contact: Martin Maisner Website: http://www.martin-maisner.com/cs or more than thirty years, Martin Maisner has been one of the most actively engaged lawyers in the field of information technology, having played a vital role in the legal environment and business practices both in the Czech Republic and further afield. A specialist in the field of information technology, cybersecurity, alternative dispute resolution, sports law, and contract law, Mr Maisner is a truly exceptional figure in the world of law regarding these issues. He has participated not only in the formation of a number of componential legal theories relating to specific areas of information technology law, but also in the creation of the legal environment and business practices in related industries all over the world. Mr Maisner provides comprehensive legal advice to both suppliers of technology, and their customers, and also in some instances, to candidates for public procurement regarding the preparation of their tenders. Prior to his current role at his own law firm, Mr Maisner has worked extensively to gain in-depth experience with arbitration both at the national and international level. Throughout his career, he has acted as arbitrator in a number of the permanent arbitration courts in the Czech Republic, as well as on the global stage. Mr Maisner has ruled as a sole arbitrator, arbitrator and chairman of the arbitration board in almost two hundred disputes, many of which were particularly significant both in terms of the value of the subject of the dispute, the participants, or the business context. As well as his performance of duties as an arbitrator, Mr Maisner also represents clients in arbitration proceedings, or participates in representations before arbitration tribunals held by Czech and international arbitration bodies. However, the work for which Mr Maisner has received this latest accolade is in his work regarding information technology and cybersecurity. Understanding these key areas is so important as the world moves towards an increasingly digital society where data is the most sought-after commodity. Criminals are seeking data to hold over people, and companies are using data as a way to increase their sales and commerce. It is everywhere, and Mr Maisner’s expertise in the matter cannot be overstated. Other areas of law in which Mr Maisner is actively engaged can include sports law and the law of obligations in general, including the theory of bargaining. In the context of sports law, Mr Maisner is dedicated to resolving disputes primarily within sports federations, and to effectively handle disputes between sports clubs and their referees. Within the worlds of contract law and contracting, Mr Maisnre is primarily dedicated to distance contracts, legal electronic conduct, and business negotiation strategy in the novel twenty first century F environment regarding the conditions laid down by new legislation. Outside of the courtroom itself, Mr Maisner is also actively engaged in a great deal of publishing activities when it comes to the field of information technology law. His various publications are knowledgeable, insightful, and helpful for those others that are working in the industry, and he also publishes text on the area of arbitration in the form of legal monographs, commentaries on the law, or professional articles in various specialized journals. Ultimately, Mr Maisner is an outstanding lawyer whose knowledge is matched only by his exceptional application of that knowledge. He understands the importance of cybersecurity, data, and knowledge around it, and his legal expertise makes him a force to be reckoned with in any case. As a sought-after speaker at conferences and a defender of the law, Mr Maisner is a fully deserving winner of recognition in this issue of Acquisition International. ding Specialist Information Technology and Cybersecurity Lawyer of the Year, Czech Republic Acquisition International - Issue 1 2021 41 Sep20204 eading zech ybersecurity a yer As data has become one of the most valuable assets in the world today, so too has the level of crime risen regarding data. Whilst law may be seen by some to be a traditional and long-standing industry, there are those who are innovating and leading the way for handling cases involving technology. Enter, Martin Maisner, recognised in this ye rs’ Lea ing Advisor collection as the Leading Specialist Information T chnology and Cybersecurity Lawy r of the Year, Czech Republic. Discover more about thi outstanding lawyer and arbitrator as we examine his professional work. Company: JUDr. Martin Maisner, PhD, MCIArb Contact: Martin aisner Website: http://www.martin-maisner.com/cs or more than thirty years, Martin Maisner has been one of the most actively engaged lawyers in th field of information echn logy, having played a vital ole in the l gal environment and business practices both in the Czech Republic and further afi ld. A specialist in the field of information technology, cybersecurity, alternat ve d sput resolution, spor s law, and contract law, Mr Mais er is a truly excepti nal figure in he world of law reg rding these issues. He has partici ated not only in the formation of number of componential leg l theories relati g to specific reas of i formation techn logy l w, but als n th creation of the legal enviro ment and busi ess practices in related industries all ov r the world. Mr Maisner provide comprehe sive l gal advice to both suppliers of technology, and th ir customers, and also in some instances, to candidates for public pro rement regarding the preparation of their tenders. Prior to his current role at his own law firm, Mr Maisner has worked extensively to gain in-dept experience with arbitration both at the na io al and international lev l. Throughout is career, he has c ed as arbitr tor a umber of the permanent arbitration court in he Czech Republic, as well as on the glob l stage. M Maisner has ruled as a sol ar itrator, arbitrat r and chairman of the arbitration boar in lm st two hundred disputes, m ny of which were particul ly significant both in terms of the value of the subje t of th dispute, the particip ts, or the bu iness context. As well as his p rformance of duties as an arbi rator, Mr Maisner also represent clients in arbitration proceedings, or pa ticipates in representation b fore tribunals held by Czech and international arbitration b di s. However, the work for which Mr Maisner has received this latest accolade is in his work rega ding i form tion technology and cybersecurity. Understanding these key areas is so important as the world moves towards an increasingly digital society where da a i m st sought-after commodity. Cr minals are eeking data to hold over people, and companies are using d ta as a way to increase th i sales and com erce. It is verywhere, nd Mr Maisner’s expertise in the matter cannot be ov rstated. Other areas of law in which Mr Maisner is a tively engag d can include sports law a d t e law of obligations in gen ral, includi g the theory of b rgai ing. In the context of sports law, Mr Maisner is d dicated to resolv g dispu es primarily within ports feder tions, an to eff ctively handle between sports club an the r referees. Within the worlds of contract law and contracting, Mr Maisnre is pr marily dedicated to dis ance contracts, leg l electronic co duct, and busin ss negotiation strategy in the novel tw nty f rst cent ry F environment regarding the conditions laid down by new legislation. Outside of the courtroom itself, Mr Maisner is also actively engag d in a great deal of publishing activities when it comes to the fiel of information technology law. His various publications ar knowledgeable, insightful, and helpful for those others th are wor i g in th industry, and he also pub ishes text n the area of arbitration in the form of legal monogra hs, comm n aries on th law, o professional articles in v rious specialized journals. Ultimately, Mr Maisner is an outstanding lawyer whose knowledge is matched only by his excepti nal pplication of t at knowledge. He understands the importance f cybersecurity, dat , a d knowledg around it, and his legal exp rtise makes him a force to be reckoned with in any case. As a sought-after peaker at confer nces an a defender of the law, Mr Maisner is a fully deserving winner of recognition in this issue of Acqu ition International.