Acquisition International Magazine Media Pack

Featured collaborators / Organisations we’ve partnered with ARQUITECTURA “Kerb Appealz is now in its’ seventh year of successful business. Dedicated to sellers and buyers we have always gone out of our way to make the journey of moving as stress free as possible for our clients. “Acquisition International have always recognised the effort that we have put in to ensuring we give the public an outstanding service. We are honoured to receive the awards from them as we know there is vast competition in our business sector. “AI value and appreciate the ideas and commitment that we have that sets us apart from other businesses. We proudly advertise our award on a weekly basis, both in the local press and on social media. In turn this helps our customers to appreciate that they are getting a first-class service from us and it definitely generates more awareness and more business. “We hope that we are still receiving awards from them for many years to come.” Penny Whitaker, Kerbz Appealz – “As a freelance business adviser, it was a fantastic feeling just to be noticed amongst all the other larger consulting firms in the UK (so you can imagine what it felt like to learn I’d been named as the country’s leading corporate consultant!). “I’ve used the award in a number of ways already: to assure clients that they are, and are continuing to, work with recognised excellence; and to assure my parents that their son didn’t turn out all that badly after all! “This recognition has also meant that my credibility when submitting evidences and ideas to inform future government policy and wider business support practices is enhanced. Its offered me a great excuse to rekindle relationships with lapsed colleagues and network contacts who reached out to congratulate me on this achievement.” Adrian Ashton –