Global Excellence Awards 2018

Approved Cyber Security Supplier To ASSURE  Health Checks and Audits to assess and develop organisational Cyber Security and Information Assurance maturity encompassing people, process, culture and ICT;  Assessments supporting a range of industry standards including IAMM, ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials PLUS, NIST, etc. ADVISE  Trusted strategic advice including Board level briefings and mentoring;  Bespoke services for Cyber Resilience, Incident Response and Business Optimisation;  Transformation programmes including governance, cultural baseline and progress assessments, communications, policy suite review and development;  Design, develop and implementation of national and local CERT/CSOC capability. ACADEMY  GCHQ, BCS, IISP Certified Training and Accredited courses tailored for general awareness, GDPR, specific security roles and Board level training and education;  GCHQ certified e-learning courses;  Value-added resources and best practice guides. Templar Executives Templar Executives is an award winning, international Cyber Security advisory services and solutions company operating at the highest levels across the public and private sectors. We have an outstanding track record in helping our clients worldwide develop a resilient and business enabling Cyber Security capability and embedding best practices for competitive advantage. Our world class portfolio of industry leading services and solutions includes: • Cyber Security consulting; • Platinum advisory offering for Boards; • Information Assurance audits and health checks; • Quality training including unique GCHQ certified courses and e-learning; • National and local CERT/CSOC capability; • Incident Response Planning; • BLADE, an innovative cyber intelligence service for organisations and high net worth individuals; • Cyber fraud investigations; • Secure communications; • End-user analytics and monitoring; • Penetration testing; • Forensic expert witness capability. For more information contact us on : +44 (0) 844 443 6243 [email protected] © 2018 Templar Executives Approved Cyber Security Supplier To ASSURE  Health Checks and Audits to assess and develop organisational Cyber Security and Information Assurance maturity encompassing people, process, cultu e and ICT;  Asses ments supporting a range of industry standards including IAMM, ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials PLUS, NIST, etc. ADVISE  Trusted strategic advice including Board level briefings and mentoring;  Bespoke services for Cyber Resilience, Incident Response and Business Optimisation;  Transf rmation programmes including governance, cultural baseline and progress assessments, communications, policy suite review and development;  Design, develop and implementation of national and local CERT/CSOC capability. ACADEMY  GCHQ, BCS, IISP Certified Training and Accredited courses tailored for general awareness, GDPR, specific security roles and Board level training and education;  GCHQ certified e-learning courses;  Value-added resources and best practice guides. Templar Executives Templar Executives is an award winning, international Cyber Security advisory services and solutions company operating at the highest levels across the public an private sectors. We have an outstanding track r cord in helping our clients worldwide develop a resilient and business enabling Cyber Security capability and embedding best practices for competitive advantage. Our world class portfolio of industry leading services and sol ons includes: • Cyber Security consulting; • Platinum advisory offering for Boards; • Information Assurance audits and health checks; • Quality training including unique GCHQ certified courses and e-learning; • National and local CERT/CSOC capability; • Incident Response Planning; • BLADE, an innovative cyber intelligence service for organisations a d high net worth i dividuals; • Cyber fraud investigations; • Secure communications; • End-user analytics and monitoring; • Penetration testing; • F orensic expert witnes s capability. F or more information c ontact us on : +44 (0) 844 443 6243 [email protected] Approved Cyber Security Supplier To ASSURE  Health Checks and Audits to assess and develop organisational Cyber Security and Information Assurance maturity encompassing people, process, culture and ICT;  Assessments supporting a range of industry standards including IAMM, ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials PLUS, NIST, etc. ADVISE  Trusted strategic advice including Board level bri fi gs and mentori g;  Bes oke services for Cyber Resilience, Incident Response and Business Optimisation;  Transformation programmes including governance, cultural baseline and progress assessments, communica ions, policy suite review and development;  Design, develop and implementation of national and local CERT/CSOC capability. ACADEMY  GCHQ, BCS, IISP Certified Training and Accredited courses tailored for general awareness, GDPR, specific security roles and Board level training and education;  GCHQ certified e-learning courses;  Value-added resources and best practice guides. Templar Executives T mplar Executiv s is an awa d winning, international Cyber Security advisory services and solutions company operating at the highest levels across the public and private sectors. We have an outstanding track record in helping our cli nts worldwide develop a r silient and business enabling Cyber Security capability and embedding best practices for competitive advantage. Our world class portfolio of industry leading services and solutions includes: • Cyber Security consulting; • Platinum advisory offering for Boards; • Information Assurance audits and health checks; • Quality training including unique GCHQ certified courses and e-learning; • National and local CERT/CSOC capability; • Incident Response Planning; • BLADE, an innovative cyber intelligence service for organisations and high net worth individuals; • Cyber fraud investigations; • Secure communications; • End-user analytics and monitoring; • P enetration testing; • Forensic expert witness capability. For more information contact us on : +44 (0) 844 443 6243 [email protected] Approved Cyb r S urity Su pplier To ASSURE  Health Checks and Audits to assess and develop organisational Cyber Security and Information Assurance maturity encompassing people, process, culture and ICT;  Assessments supporting a range of industry tandards including IAMM, ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials PLUS, NIST, etc. ADVISE  Trusted strategic advice including Board level briefings and mentoring;  Bespoke services for Cyber Resilience, Incident Response and Business Optimisation;  Transformation programmes including governance, cultural baseline and progress assessments, communications, policy suite review and development;  Desi n, develop and implementation of national and local CERT/CSOC capability. ACADEMY  GCHQ, BCS, IISP Certified Training and Accredited courses tailored for general awareness, GDPR, specific s ecurity roles and Board level training a nd education;  GCHQ certified e-learning courses;  Valu e-added resources and best practi ce guides. ves ing, services he highest ctors. We elping our and ability and itive leading e orth n : © 2018 Templar Executives ASSURE  Health Checks Audits t assess and develop organisational Cyber Security an I formation Assur c maturity encompassing people, process, culture and ICT;  Assessments supporting a range of indus y standards including IAMM, ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials PLUS, NIST, etc. ADVISE  Trusted strategic advice including Board level briefings and m ntori g;  Bespoke services for Cyber Resilience, Incident Response and Business Optimisation;  Transformation programmes including governance, cultural baseline and progress assessments, communicati ns, po icy suite review and development;  Design, develop an implementation of national and local CERT/CSOC capability. ACADEMY  GCHQ, BCS, IISP Certified Training and Accredited courses tailored for general awareness, GDPR, specific security roles and Board level training and education;  GCHQ certified e-learning courses; plar Executives Executives is an award winning, ional Cyber S curity advisory s rvi es tions compa y operat ng at the highest ross the public and private sectors. We outstanding track record in helping our orldwide evelop a resilient and enabling Cyber Security capability and ing best practices for competitive ge. ld class portfolio of ind stry leading and solutions includes: ecurity consulting; m advisory offering for Boards; ation Assurance audits and checks; training including unique certified cours s and e-learning; al and local CERT/CSOC lity; t Response Planning; , an innovativ e cyber intellige c for organisati ons and high net worth uals; raud investigations; communication s; er analytics and monitoring; ation testing; ic expert witnes s capability. ore information contact us on : 4 (0) 844 443 6243