Global Excellence Awards 2018

Acquisition International - Global Excellence Awards 2018 187 Acquisition International - Issue 11 2018 9 The year is 2018, the 70th Anniversary of arguably the single greatest creation to stem from the UK - the National Health Service. The last two decades have seen a revolution in mobile technology, but it has still taken this length of time for the potential of Digital Health to become widely accepted. t is envisioned that the next few years will see Digital Health have a major impact on care provision. The global Digital Health market is expected to be worth over $500 billion with Q3 2018 seeing the largest worldwide investment in digital health at $3.3 billion. At the moment, primary care within the UK is deemed by many to still be relatively digitally archaic, although revolution is fast approaching directed from the very top by the Rt Hon Matt Hancock. i-GP offers an innovative virtual care solution to the 60 million minor illnesses which are treated by the NHS every year. Utilising branching logic based on NICE guidelines architected within image enhanced proprietary software, the i-GP Platform is a world first in its design and has a patient satisfaction rate of 99%. Processing analytics enables real-time monitoring of patient data and associated risk detection, while providing guidance in relation to clinical decision- making by creating internal scoring networks. The Platform reduces the number of diagnostic possibilities elaborated in response to a given clinical scenario. This cutting edge medical technology allows i-GP to collect, analyse and interpret patient data to provide an evidence base to systemise the diagnostic process. This realises more streamlined intramural templates for the GP, augmenting rigorous prescribing protocols and so achieving superior outcomes for patients. The scalable i-GP ecosystem translates data into strategic and operational action plans, allowing the GP to treat a patient in two minutes. This drives economic efficiencies which i-GP forecasts to be over £1 billion in savings to the NHS. The pressures on General Practice are well documented and multifactorial ranging from demographics to funding and patient expectations. Technology has been seen by many as the solution, however the NHS has continually found it difficult to integrate this into service redesign. As far back as 2008, the NHS Workforce Review Team forecast that there would be a “ significant medium term risk of GP shortages ”. With the world population increasing by five billion in the last 50 years, there is estimated to be a shortfall in healthcare professionals of 12 million globally. Simply implying more clinical staff as a solution isn’t a viable long-term option as service demand continues to outstretch supply. The i-GP Platform Contact: Sukhbinder Noorpuri Company: i-GP Address: 26 King’s Hill Avenue, King’s Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4AE, UK Telephone: 020 8798 3964 Web Address: Innovative Virtual Care Solution I 1810AI56 aids diagnosis and augments prescribing protocol by virtue of internal networks and directional analytics. These processes equate to a small team of 15 doctors being required to prescribe with precision to one million patients per year. Digitalising Primary Care will be a challenging process to find the balance between systems which are readily adopted by patients and are cost-effective so maintaining long term viability. Convenience and ease of access are key to patient requirements, removing the need for lengthy phone calls to the GP surgery or having to wait hours to see the doctor. Alternatives to the conventional face to face consultation are usually welcomed by patients with many additional benefits including being able to consult whilst still at work. The current healthcare ecosystem is architected to promote digital technology. It will take time to create the evidence that Medtech systems are both patient centric and value based. We hope the current appetite for digital transformation is not hindered by negative results as we work to find long term solutions which are safe, convenient and sustainable in terms of their affordability. In conclusion, i-GP is the first and only 24/7 responsive online healthcare platform for minor illnesses in the UK offering real-time digital consultation and value based primary care. Designed and delivered by award winning doctors, our patent pending digital technology has the capacity to make a substantial impact in the patient’s journey to treatment. i-GP offers unique benefits to the patient in terms of access and convenience which have been confirmed by our 99% customer satisfaction rate over the last three years. Our model shows scalability with lean operating costs with considerable potential savings to the NHS of over £1 billion per year. This saving is the equivalent of adding over 25,000 staff and over 5.5 million working days a year to the NHS workforce by saving 20,000 hours of GP time per day across the workforce. The integration of i-GP into the NHS offers further economic savings of over £1.5 billion through a reduction in sick days. i-GP has the potential to set new standards in digital healthcare both nationally and internationally whilst remaining focused on patient needs. Partnership with the NHS allows the UK health model to remain at the forefront of worldwide healthcare provision and set a new benchmark in digital care.