2018 Influential Businesswoman Awards Packages Booklet

4 x pages of editorial Topaz Package Acquisition International - InfluentialBusinesswomanAwards2017 11 CommunicationsExecutiveof theYear& Best InternationalAdvertising&PRAgency2017 -London Sir Fred SirFred isaworld class InternationalCommunication,Advertisingand PR companybased inLondonandoperatingworldwide.We spoke to FrancescaRossi,Founder, to findoutmore. Company:SirFred Contact: FrancescaRossi,Founder ContactEmail: [email protected] Addresss:HillStreet,Mayfair,· London,W1J2JW, UnitedKingdom WebAddress: www.sirfred.com Established in 2012,Francesca drew on 9 years of experience gained in international roles to create Sir Fred because she wanted to found the best agencya client couldworkwith.Francescaoutlines the firm’s current offering and how she draws on her experience to offer the very highest standards of service toher clients. eing the Founder of the firm, I am involved in lots of aspects, such as writing a business strategy, working ,tnemtraped evitaerc eht htiw ylesolc meeting clients and dealing with them at senior level, organizing what is needed for that particular project, and so forth. We handle everything in- house. I am lucky toworkwith a great international in-house staff and external freelancers. The workload is heavy; sometimeswe have to deliver a luxury brochurewith photos and text, printedwithin 18/20 days; other timeswe have a shooting day on aMonday, and by Friday the video and photos are retouched,approvedand ready togoonair.Despite thiswework diligently to ensure clients receive the supportand service theyneed. “Before setting up Sir Fred, I was Group Account Director in Switzerland, andmymain clients were Hedge Funds firms and Financial Institutions, .spihsnoipmahc strops ,secivres dna sdoog yruxuL I still have some of them as clients; they followed me when I started my own business. I moved to London because my dream was to work for a top 5 advertising company, and when I became European Account Manager there, I realized that itwas notmy dream anymore. After a transition in Switzerland, Iestablishedmybusiness,and today I cannot imaginemy futurewithout it.” Moving forward,Francesca foreseesagreatdealof change in hermarket, and is determined to remain at the forefrontof the latestmarket innovation. “Looking ahead, in the next decade lots of jobswe know todaywillnotexistanymore.Thestruggle that the retail industry is facing this year is the tip of the iceberg of what will happen soon. Being proactive today could make the difference for the imminent future.ThinkofBlockbuster/Netflix.” IW170024 B • One page of editorial • 1 x crystal trophy • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke digital certificate what’s included 1x page of editorial 1 x crystal trophy <<Award>> <<Company Name>> This is to Certify: Has Been Named: CERTIFICATE Bespoke digital certificate Individual Elements: 1 page of editorial: Standard £265 / Pay Now £212 Crystal trophy: Standard £295 / Pay Now £236 (discounts applied on multiple orders) Personalised digital logo: Standard £225 / Pay Now £180 Bespoke digital certificate : Standard £250 / Pay Now £200 1 x personalised digital winners’ logo

http://www.sirfred.com/ http://www.acquisition-intl.com/ http://mybusinessconsulting.ae/