2018 Influential Businesswoman Awards Packages Booklet

Sapphire Package 14 Acquisition International - InfluentialBusinesswomanAwards2017 Most InfluentialWoman inManagementConsulting -UAE DMCC Drawingonover17 years’experience,MyBusinessConsultingDMCCare a leading corporate servicesproviderbased in theUAE.We invitedaward winningFounderKameliaAllow to tellusmoreabout the firmand the range of services itoffers. Company:MyBusiness ConsultingDMCC Contact:KameliaAllow ContactEmail: Kamelia.allow@ mybusinessconsulting.ae Address: IndigoTower,ClusterD, Dubai,UAE Phone:97144327437 stablished in2009,MyBusiness Consultingofferawide rangeof services including company setup, amendmentof companyname,activity, bankaccountopening/closing,assistance in gettingUAE resident visa, renewalof company license,accountsandbookkeepingand company liquidations.The firmwas createdbyKamelia in order to leverageher vast corporateexperience, as sheexplains. “Personally Imoved fromBulgaria to theUAE in 1999,andworked inaccountsand finance fornine years ina varietyofdifferentbusiness spheres. In2009 I startedMyBusinessConsultingwithmy own fundsandonly twoemployees,anaccountant anda consultant,aswellasmyself “Todaymy companyemploysover40people fromover10differentnationalities.Wehave managed tobuy theofficewhichwe rented from 2009,andattachedonemorenextdoor. Iam stillworking in the companyas full timemanager andhavededicatedmy timeondeveloping the business.This revolvesaround technology,and as suchwehaveanewweb site,amassive socialmedia campaignandnew softwarewhich wearedeveloping from scratch specifically forourbusiness. Inaddition,wearegrowing geographically,expandingwithanewoffice in Sofia to support clients frommyhome country.” The firmworkswithawide rangeof clients from over83nationalities,allofwhomare seeking to move into theUAEdue to themanyopportunities the regionoffers,whichKamelia is keen to highlight. “No matter where you come from or what gender you are, the opportunitytosucceed ...” “It ismybelief that theUAE is thebestplace to investdue to lackingof taxon incomeand zero corporate tax.Nomatterwhere you come from orwhatgender youare, theUAEoffers you the opportunity to succeed,asevidencedbymy phenomenalachievements.” Lookingahead,Kameliabelieves thather firm’s recent investment innew softwareand technology willprovide itwithgreatopportunities togrow andbetter support its clients,as sheproudly concludes. “Moving forward, this yearwillbededicatedon customer service.Surveys, communications, and the finalizationofprocessandprocedures willensure thatwearedeliveringour service to ahigher standard,making iteasier, fasterand more convenient forour clients.Wealsohave theProjectmanagement system fullymadeby us,andwehavealsodevelopednew finance software, completelyattachedwith theCRM part.This yearwewillworkoutondeveloping theoptionof creatinguserandpasswordof the client, so thatanyofour clients canhaveaccess toa corporatepackofdocuments,employee documents, statements,audit copies, inone click fromanywhere in theworld. “As theonly firm inour industrywhoare investing significantly inCRMwhichbenefitnotonlyour clientsandourpartners,butouremployeesas well,we foreseemanygreatopportunitiesover the comingmonthsand years.” IW170015 E • Front cover logo • One page of editorial • 1 x crystal trophy • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke digital certificate • 3-month interactive web banner on the AI homepage what’s included 1 x page of editorial 1 x personalised digital winners’ logo Main Front Cover Image & Headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, probo aperiri oblique id sea, qui doloremucius eu.Ne aliquip omittam ius.Magna graeco virtute athas.Tantasplacerat te usu, te quo dicam deserunt salutatus. www.acquisition-intl.com Supporting Front Cover Image & Headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, probo aperiri oblique id sea, qui doloremucius eu.Ne aliquip omittam ius.Magna graeco virtute athas.Tantasplacerat te usu, te quo dicam deserunt salutatus. Your Logo Front cover logo 1 x crystal trophy <<Award>> <<Company Name>> This is toCertify: HasBeenNamed: CERTIFICATE 1 x digital winners’ certificate 3-month interactive web banner

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