2017 Business Excellence Awards

48 Acquisition International - Business Excellence Awards 2017 Soundproofing Materials Supplier of the Year & Award for Excellence in Domestic Soundproofing Products 2017 - UK iKoustic iKoustic Soundproofing started life at a party to celebrate the New Year in 2009, when Founder and Director Rick Parsons heard neighbours banging on the walls asking the hosts to keep the noise down. Rick then realised that there must be a market for domestic soundproofing products, and after some market research and product development, iKoustic began. As the housing market shifts and people choose to live in ever closer proximity to each other, in urban apartments for example, the need for soundproofing products is currently greater than ever. In addition, the portability of media technology, which is increasingly loud, has only enhanced the need for domestic sound insulation. As well as an ever-expanding product range, iKoustic also offer design advice, installation and sound testing services. The company sources new and innovative products from across the globe, the very best products, wherever they can be found. Alternatively, iKoustic specify and produce their own ranges if they feel that the prerequisite quality is not available. It is this single minded focus on Quality and Customer Service that drives a high level of repeat business. iKoustic use an independent 3rd party service provider to poll their customers and they delight in some very complimentary feedback regarding the performance of their products and the quality of their front line team. For these reasons, architects, specifiers and installers insist on iKoustic’s innovative product range. iKoustic are a leading UK supplier of Soundproofing solutions. With a huge range of insulation and absorption products, iKoustic are well placed to help with any noise issue at Home or in the Workplace. We profile the company to explore the secrets behind its success. Company: iKoustic Soundproofing Contact: Rick Contact Email: [email protected] Address: Units 4 & 5 Erivan Park, Sandbeck Way, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS22 7DN, UK Phone: 01937 588226 Website: www.ikoustic.co.uk BE170087 The product range is simply split into Insulation and Absorption. The heavy mass typical in sound attenuation, coupled with appropriate resilience, help reduce the sound energy from passing through floors, ceilings and walls, thereby increasing the acoustic insulation. Absorption is more about the Quality of Sound within a space and is focused on reducing reverberation using lightweight porous materials to soak up energy. In addition to the online information on iKoustics website, the trained and experienced team at iKoustic advise and guide callers on all aspects of noise management from solutions to Noisy Neighbours to professional studio design, from compliance with Part E building Regulations to self-installation of iKoustic’s MuteBoards. The options available are whittled down until the perfect solution is identified. This dedicated, specialist acoustic team have over 50 years of experience between them in advising and installing various acoustic materials across a wide range of structures including residential, commercial, industrial, educational and office. They draw on this experience when they work on any project, ensuring that the outcome always meets the clients’ individual needs. Fundamentally, transparency, dedication to excellence and high quality products are what sets iKoustic apart and marks it out as the best possible option for all your soundproofing and noise reduction needs.

http://www.indocount.com/ http://indocount.com/ http://web.iii.org.tw/ http://www.ikoustic.co.uk/ http://www.origins.co.in/