2020 Cyber Security Awards
14 Acquisition International - Cyber Security Awards 2020 s the world becomes increasingly connected, and reliant on that connection staying strong, the need for companies such as CSL are more prevalent than ever before. Armed with experience honed over a twenty four-year lifespan, the company has become the fastest-selling -and most-used- signalling system in the fire and security sectors, chosen by more than ninety percent of inspectorate recognised installers. Ultimately, there has long been a demand for wireless connectivity for alarm signalling alongside wireless connectivity for other applications, such as CCTV, HVAC, Access Control, and many others. Now, CSL is more ready than ever to answer that demand. Over the years, the group has built strong partnerships with mobile network operators, monitoring centres, and manufacturers. These partnerships have resulted in CSL now being able to answer market demand with its CSL Router, in a range that now includes both single and dual SIM options. Both send data via 4G, providing an instant, encrypted connection to the Internet on sites where wired broadband in unavailable, impractical, or simply just slow. Included in the service that CSL provides is the Gemini Global Platform, available for all options to add a whole new level of service to any business. As if that wasn't enough, CSL Router can also be tailored to suit each installation, as it is supplied with the appropriate data bundle for usage. Specifically regarding the development of CSL Router, the firm’s main aim was not to deliver just a single bespoke solution to a single customer problem, but to launch a proposition that would solve multiple problems across multiple sectors. It was essential for CSL to meet four key requirements: security, reliability, ease of deployment, and competitive pricing. Today, the firm has achieved all four. M2M experts at the firm carried out months of stringent internal testing with multiple router hardware manufacturers and global mobile network operators on board. Leveraging all this experience in critical communications, the firm evaluated and found the best mix of components that would deliver on all four of the key requirements. Founded almost two and a half decades ago, CSL has since grown to become a market leader in providing secure connectivity solutions to the fire, security, and telecare sectors across the world. It is the trusted choice to provide connectivity for close to one million M2M and IoT devices, handling more than four billion events every month and securely collating data for its portals which can provide real-time visibility on the status of a connected device. In a world where connectivity is king, join us as we discover the successes of CSL today. Most Reliable Connectivity Innovator 2020 A Having been refined and developed over the years, all of the options now available with CSL Router offer a fully encrypted service via the Gemini Global Platform to guarantee that data is kept safe at all times. This platform has seen great investment and enhancement to ensure it offers the highest levels of security in order to manage and protect customer’s data from vulnerabilities. In order to continue this level of excellence within the cybersecurity and connectivity industries, CSL also regularly assesses and looks for feedback across of its customer touch points, including its five social media platforms, websites, sales teams, and technical teams. Despite all of the success that CSL has experienced, the firm knows it cannot rest. Technology is a constantly evolving industry, and the challenges continue to come. A major upcoming one is the aim to remove PSTN services by 2025. As it becomes increasingly expensive, unreliable, and susceptible to failures, there is simply no room for PSTN in the future, and CSL is seeking to ensure that many services that were once reliant on this technology no longer have to be at risk of failure. Instead, the firm has offered installers several solutions to overcome this challenge of adaptation, including single path radio only products to upgrade an older wired system to the latest wireless technologies. The next generation of connectivity solutions is here, and CSL Router is at the forefront of it, providing greater multipath connectivity for a range of high level M2M and IoT services. Companies will be able to integrate and utilise multiple technologies, wired and wireless, to guarantee a superior level of service to their customers. CSL is more than just an exceptional provider of services; it is a herald of a brighter, more connected, and stronger technological future. Company: CSL Contact: Rob Evans Website: www.csl-group.com
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