AI Global Excellence Awards 2016

Acquisition International - Global Excellence Awards 2016 37 Optimal Cleaning Solutions improvement and to voice any concern within their scope of responsibility as well as their personal needs of what is required to improve their knowledge and skills. Hopes and plans for 2017 and beyond We hope to expand the company into more environmentally-friendly-solution-based services, such as offshore/onshore recovering oil from sludge and solid treatment. We also have plans to continue with on-site wastewater treatment and contaminated site remediate. The current market is very weak at the moment. Thus, being positive is important. If we are positive and look around for more innovative ways and develop an edge in our product and services, the company will continue to thrive. One such way is to expand our work overseas. We started with one office in Singapore, but we now have offices in East Malaysia, Brunei, Qatar, Iran and UAE. We are constantly engaged in R&D and working with government agencies on expanding our services and products beyond where we are now.