users to instantly treat others to mobile data or help them out in a pinch. The company is conscious of the need to balance the value it provides to brands and consumers, turning an underutilised commodity into a great asset. only 9 months from launch. In another case, end users bought mobile data an average of 2.5 times a day. It has been increasing operators’ review scores and consumer confidence, as well as capitalising on need ignored by their previous offerings. A West European telecommunications operator found immediate success by selling chunks of mobile data which lasted as little as 5 minutes, proving that for every chunk of time on offer, there will be a satisfied customer. One of NXT:FWD’s winning strategies is that it keeps a close eye on trends, even ignoring those it doesn’t find useful, and it’s keen to embrace single-use applications as a part of its mission. The company notes that some mobile operators develop “superapps”, which include all the functions and services they offer end users. The visionaries at NXT:FWD believe that it’s an unintuitive way to deliver a service, and the team believes in single-purpose apps for targeted use cases. Its offering follows this philosophy. It’s streamlined, easy-touse, intuitive, and it boasts a history of easy integration with existing operations. The team has an excellent knowledge of the industry with its combined 100 years of perfecting and monetising mobile data. It comprises experts in sales, marketing, and customer service, as well as software experts who have crafted and honed its solution. It’s formed of members from former mobile data ventures, including Comptel FWD Oy, and it has a history of delivering consumer insight and creating well-rated products. Spanning 6 continents, its work has made waves across many different cultures and markets, and it’s well-equipped to provide its solution to a vast range of consumers. The company recognises that connectivity is essential to so many people, and it’s essential every day. They acknowledge that it’s as important as water, or the air we breathe. It doesn’t want that connectivity to only be a utility, and one that its users don’t always find easy to understand. It wants to show operators a new avenue to market their services, and to allow users a new level of control over their mobile data usage. Contact: Harry Järn Company: NXT:FWD Web Address: 21 “ To make mobile data fun, engaging, and relevant is a change needed both in consumer hands and in operator tools. Because of that, we offer it for all customers without extra hassle. ” The company’s offering is bolstered by a track record of success across customer cases. One customer’s ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) for their data increased by 6x after