Global Excellence Awards 2024

Issue 7 2023, Acquisition International | 9 the most of the developments flooding its industry to continue to update its offerings for both its customers and their guests. An example of the proactive approach it is taking to achieve this can be seen through its use of AI, something it is pioneering to help in honing such elements as mobile-friendly guest checkin solutions, housekeeping management for long stays, and customer interaction tools for extended stays. In addition to artificial intelligence, Gearco is also having to manage growing cybersecurity threats, fortifying the security of its products and services to ensure a faultless user experience. Commenting on this, Eric states, “Gearco proudly upholds global security standards, including Type II SOC 2 and PCI, to ensure system security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data”, showcasing its strict adherence to all necessary security compliance. Finally, in closing, Eric tells us of an exciting upcoming project that Gearco is working on, announced here for the first time. This AI-enhanced guest notice and policy design feature is a tool that has been designed for property managers, so that they may automatically deliver any notices and policies to their guests via a simple text or email. Through this, Gearco is continuing to streamline both the guest experience and the ways in which accommodation operates, something it has been doing faultlessly now for almost three decades. Contact: Eric Almond Company: Gearco Web Address: Tremendous Property Management Solutions Specialising in Long-Term Stays ince operations began in 1996, Gearco has grown exponentially, and is today trusted by thousands of users across its chosen industry. This team recognise that every customer has their own unique needs, and their dedication to exceeding these expectations at every turn is just one of the things that truly sets this business apart. From management right through to the developers, implementors, and supporters, staff here engage with customers, identifying what it is that they seek from the platform, before optimising it so this may be achieved. Gearco is comprised of solution-oriented innovators, and as such, excels in tailoring every product to the policies, procedures, workflows, and security needs of customers. On the back of this, for more than a quarter of a century, Eric and the team have carved out a reputation for delivering the desired results. As he tells us, “we consistently increase revenue for all newly onboarded customers by at least 15% without additional marketing expenses, enhancing operational standards and simplifying auditing and oversight of financials.” Besides this impressive statistic, Gearco is further distinguished by the true automation capabilities that it harnesses across its suite of solutions, something that sets its property management system apart from others. Although it may be commonplace for other systems to tackle jobs such as revenue generation and accounting, rarely do said systems possess the advanced automation abilities of Gearco’s solutions, which help to manage workflow and apply the specific rules of a business in seamless fashion. Eric goes on to explain just some of the extended automation capabilities included in Gearco’s solutions, such as their, “logic-based procedural rules for financial transactions, automated surcharges, rate-matrix pricing, and comprehensive tax computations for city, state, local, and exempt taxes for long-term guests.” Beyond this mechanisation, Gearco of course has a human side, something that manifests in the pride it takes in forging lasting and meaningful partnerships with customers from small businesses through to vast empires. A well-oiled machine light years ahead of the curve when it comes to integrating technology into its services, Gearco is constantly enhancing its performance and broadening its capabilities. This can perhaps best be seen through Rate Lock, a popular feature that boosts revenue by locking the rates for guests seeking long-term stays. By activating whenever a tax cycle ends and then applying itself on every subsequent renewal, an increase in revenue can be seen of anywhere between 8 and 30% for these guests, who in turn see their rent decrease over time, making this a win-win situation. As is clear from this dynamic pricing for extended hotel stays made possible by Gearco’s platform, this company is all about making Technology company Gearco develops its exemplary range of cloud-related products and services for the hotel and lodging industry, empowering the managers of such institutions and their staff to manage areas of the business such as guest operations effectively, ultimately increasing revenue and helping to contain any long-term risks. Through a stellar track record and the embodiment of such values as quality, innovation, and collaboration, Gearco is recognised as the Best Cloud Property Management Systems Provider 2024 – Georgia. CTO Eric Almond tells us more. S