Hedge Fund Awards 2014

ACIM manages capital on behalf of institutional investors, fam- ily offices, and high net worth individuals, distinguishing itself via its experience, network, access to niche managers, and proven risk management in the commodities space. Since inception, ACIM has had a consistent investment strat- egy that it believes will be successful in all market environ- ments. ACIM operates with a flat team structure providing an open environment for idea generation and an abundance of responsibility overlap. Looking back, 2013 proved to be a tough year for hedge funds due to the sharp and consistent rise in the equity indices. It was also a difficult year in commodities. One of the trends seen emerging is the passive long-only investor in commodi- ties moving towards more of an active long/short approach. ACIM Founder and CEO Ernest Scalamandre said: “We antici- pate the long/short approach to increase in the next couple of years as the correlation of commodities to other asset classes decreases and markets trade more in line with the fundamentals. “Despite 2013’s tough market environment ACIM was able to preserve capital, in part due to our proven risk management process. Winning this award feels great and is a testament to our hard work and dedication in the niche fund of hedge funds space.” In 2014 ACIM expects asset flows to decline in long-only, pas- sively managed commodity investment vehicles. This is due to several factors, including underperformance on both an abso- 2014 International Hedge Fund Awards AC Investment Management, LLC lute and relative basis (particularly when compared to equities markets), and the fact that for each unit of performance long- only commodities investments are very expensive in terms of risk allocation. Many investors have allocated to commodities regardless, with the expectation that even in the event of underperformance at least the asset class would dampen volatility by providing diver- sification. This has clearly not been the case as long-only com- modities’ correlation to equities (the largest component in many investors’ portfolios) increased sharply over the last several years. As long-only commodity performance continues to strug- gle it is reasonable to expect continued outflows in this space. The inflow of assets on the long side in recent years has had an impact on commodity prices themselves, artificially in- flating the cost of many commodity products traded on the exchanges. Most discretionary commodity traders, who rely heavily on fundamental, bottom-up data like crop balance sheets and refining margins have been frustrated as inflows in this quantity cause market prices to be higher and also have a dampening effect on volatility. Additionally one could argue that at times markets have tended to respond to different catalysts as ‘buy and hold’ assets began to dwarf the traditional market players. If and when this scenar- io of significantly reduced long-only assets materializes ACIM believes this will be extremely positive for discretionary traders. Mr Scalamandre closes saying: “Going forward into 2014 we are optimistic about the trend in outflows that began in 2013.” AC Investment Management, LLC (ACIM) is a private New York based investment advisor specializing in focused, niche fund of hedge funds. It currently manages two vehicles with a particular emphasis on active commodity strategies on a global basis. These vehicles in- clude one dedicated to commodities and another dedicated to global power trading. Focused Niche Fund of Hedge Funds of the Year - USA Fact File Company: AC Investment Management Name: Ernest Scalamandre Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.acimfunds.com Address: 1350 Ave of the Americas Suite 2300 NY, NY 10019 Telephone: 212-245-8200 “Despite 2013’s tough market environment ACIM was able to preserve capital, in part due to our proven risk management process. Winning this award feels great and is a testament to our hard work and ded- ication in the niche fund of hedge funds space.” 21 www.acquisition-intl.com

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