Hedge Fund Awards 2015
Hedge Fund Awards 2015 www.acquisition-intl.com 25 Best US Alternative Investment Technology (FastPro) & Best Alternative Investment Team - USA UMB Fund Services UMB Fund Services provides a broad array of services for mutual funds, hedge funds and private equity funds. Tony Fischer, President, told us about the firm’s industry-renowned service UMB Fund Services is a client-focused fund services provider offering a strong combination of industry expertise, proven technology and outstanding service. We provide a broad array of services for a growing client base of mutual funds, hedge funds and private equity funds – as well as turnkey solutions to help clients launch a mutual fund, collective investment fund, or a registered hedge fund. UMB Fund Services is a boutique service provider that differentiates itself from competing firms through its intense focus on service. Our company is truly client-focused and continually strives to deliver on our vision of providing the unparalleled customer experience. Our full range of services for hedge funds, private equity funds and fund-of-funds include administration, accounting, tax administration and investor services. We are experts in servicing both unregistered and registered alternative funds and also offer custody services through our affiliate, UMB Bank, n.a. UMB Fund Services is known within the industry for high-touch service and leading-edge technology. We are constantly investing in our technology offerings – including building proprietary technology designed specifically for private equity and hedge fund managers. The AI industry is dynamic, constantly offering new products along with sophisticated fee structures. FastPro, our proprietary general ledger and investor servicing application, is highly customizable and can handle all the nuances of these complex and sophisticated structures. FastPro also delivers unlimited reporting capabilities. Fund managers can generate their own reports or data extracts on demand via the web application. With a mobile app scheduled to launch this year, managers will have complete access to their information anytime, anywhere they have an internet connection. Over the past 12 months, we have continued to grow our business through innovation of turnkey products, expansion of our business via organic growth and acquisitions, and most importantly by providing our clients with the unparalleled customer experience. We remain focused on the fact that our people and the talent, energy, and commitment they bring, are our most important asset. Recent awards continue to underscore the high quality service that is delivered by our associates and our state-of-the-art technology offerings. Our mission moving forward is to continue to live up to these accolades and provide the industry with award-winning client service and technology. n “ Ourmissionmoving forward is to continue to live up to these accolades and provide the industrywith award-winning client service and technology. ” Company: UMB Fund services Web: www.umbfs.com Locations: Milwaukee, WI Ogden, UT Chadds Ford, PA Kansas City, MO Phone: +1 888.844.3350 Fact File Best US Alternative Investment Technology (FastPro) & Best Alternative Investment Team - USA Winter sunset in Milwaukee - downtown seen from the lakefront
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