Hedge Fund Awards 2015
Hedge Fund Awards 2015 www.acquisition-intl.com 82 Corporate Profile VRC | Valuation Research provides asset managers with expert valuation of illiquid and Level 3 assets. VRC | Valuation Research is in one business only – meeting your valuation needs. Our sole mission is to help you obtain independent and objective opinions of value, and meet your fiduciary and financial and tax reporting needs. As a leading provider of valuation services, VRC specializes in the valuation of alternative and illiquid assets, and com- plex securities valuation, for many large hedge funds, banks, BDCs, private equity firms, and mezzanine debt funds. Our client list includes many of the world’s largest hedge funds, credit funds, and asset managers. VRC also provides valuation support to public and private non-financial companies. Services include M&A support, inclusive of intangible asset valuation, and business entity valuation and tax restructuring support. Our 40-year history, and our active participation and leader- ship with industry standard setting and research, hones this pedigree and maintains our leading edge. We are: • Objective. As an independent firm, and a “pure play” in valuation, our professionals focus on objective and independ- ent studies. Saemor Capital is a specialist in quantitative investment management, focused on absolute return generation. Saemor Capital is a specialist in quantitative investment management and was founded in 2008 with the backing of insurance company AEGON. We manage the Saemor Europe Alpha Fund, a market-neutral fund investing in European equities. In addition to the AI Award, the fund also won three awards in 2012 (Hedgeweek, HFMWeek and Hedge Fund Review). With approximately US$630m (EUR550) under manage- ment, we are the second largest hedge fund manager in The Netherlands. Both the manager and the fund are AIFMD-reg- ulated and passported into the main countries in Europe. The Saemor Europe Alpha Fund uses quantitative strategies for stock selection and portfolio construction. Our philosophy can be summarised as follows: ● Stocks that are cheap, show good profitability and growth, are trending up and beat earnings estimates, outperform their counterparts ● Quantitative stock rating processes are preferred as they are objective and limit behavioural biases ● The financial environment is always changing, so adapt- ability is essential ● Qualitative overlays improve the results of quantitative models • Aligned with your interests. As valuation is our only busi- ness, we are incented to get it right – and make sure your needs are met. • Service oriented. Our professional staff is among the best in the industry, providing highly efficient service. VRC | Valuation Research has eight US offices, and operates globally as Valuation Research Group. Valuation Research Group has offices in London, and throughout Europe, China, South America and Australia. Valuation Research Corporation Name: Raymond Weisner Email:
[email protected] Website: www.valuationresearch.com Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=21058430 ● Risk management is key. The right market neutral strategy enhances total portfolio diversification The Fund is highly diversified, typically holds approximately 250 positions and is primarily invested in liquid equities in developed Europe. The fund does not invest in high-risk derivatives or speculative penny stocks. The Fund has zero correlation to equity markets and to market neutral peers. Saemor Capital Name: Erwin de Kleijn / Mary Kahng Email:
[email protected] /
[email protected] Website: www.saemor.com Tel: +31707568070 Country: The Netherlands Best for Hedge Fund Valuations Best in Equity Market Neutral - Saemor Capital Europe Alpha Fund
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