Influential Businesswoman Awards 2024, Acquisition International | 29 unchanged for all employees. This allowed us to have one day a week – Friday – on which everyone can leave work at 4pm.” With these initiatives in place, the focus for Blue Factor lies in becoming one of the leaders in the market through constant innovation and development. As Laura explains in her closing comments, her focus lies on a similar path. “For my career, I hope to continue to grow professionally and always gain new knowledge. The best way to grow is to study and I wouldn’t want to stop doing that.” Company Name: Blue Factor S.p.A. Contact Name: Laura Pacini Web Address: Contact Email: [email protected] Most Influential Financial Services Businesswoman 2024 (Italy): Laura Pacini Laura’s growth within Blue Factor S.p.A is impressive by any measure: joining the company in 2015, she quickly rose through the ranks. Upon obtaining her law degree, she joined and then lead the legal team in 2017, before becoming the Legal Affair and Strategic Director just a year later. Last year, she was promoted to her current role and has only thrived since then. To begin, Laura explains Blue Factor’s role in the financial space, and how it has managed to differentiate itself in an ever-competitive sector. “Blue Factor is an independent financial intermediary, authorised by the Bank of Italy to grant financing through the non-recourse purchase of loans originating from the banking system and servicing of vehicles pursuant to Law 130/1999. The company stands out on the market for being highly specialised in the management and enhancement of unsecured NPL, and for the plurality of activities carried out in the sector, including purchase of loans, the management of third-party loans, and the structuring of securitisation transactions, also performing the role of Master Servicer pursuant to art. 2 Law 130/1999.” At its heart, Blue Factor is home to a close-knit, rapidly growing team, eager to impress and deliver best-in-class solutions to its clients. For Laura, the company was an opportunity to prove her acumen and develop skills in an environment that was only too eager to accommodate it. For many women, that can be the make-or-break element – finding a company who wants to help you be the best you can possibly be. To mutually grow in synchronisation, side by side, step by step. Today, Laura holds a significant leadership position in Blue Factor at just 32 years old. Yet, she’s also aware that the greater industry is not easy to navigate, far from it. Finance is still very much a sector dominated by men, and while movement is happening, it can be very slow. “Management roles are still mostly held by men. However, over the last nine years, I can verify that there are more and more women who are making a career in finance, and also who have an important role within those companies. Working in finance as a woman is very complex. It is important not to be discouraged and to remain firm and confident in both your role and your abilities. It is very common to be underestimated and to be considered inferior even by those holding the same rank. However, I believe that consistency, but also the desire to know and apply oneself, can allow others to understand your value and to recognise your professionalism.” Impressively, Blue Factor has an almost equal balance between men and women within the company, with 40% of its employees being women. Yet, all of its management team is comprised of women – a frankly incredible achievement. With women in leadership positions, Blue Factor has been dedicated to improving the work/life balance of its entire company, as Laura continues. “In fact, we believe that it is necessary to have a balance between career and private life. During 2022, we reduced working hours from 40 hours per week to 38 hours per week, leaving the salary The finance industry is a highly competitive landscape, defined by a need to drive towards constant betterment, however that may manifest. It’s an environment that demands only the best, and a commitment to innovation. As the Head of Area Operations and COO at Blue Factor S.p.A (Blue Factor), Laura Pacini is only too aware of the importance of continual development. Named among our most influential businesswomen, we spoke with Laura to find out how she has pushes the boundaries within her sector.