AI Magazine Issue 1 2017

14 Acquisition International - January 2017 Enhancing the Customer Experience Frontline Group, winner of Best of the Best in Finance 2016, offers business process outsourcing services as well as 1st party collections. ur most popular services include: • Customer care; • Sales and lead generation; • Back office solutions – non-customer facing services such as data entry or order processing and; • 1st party collections – we call on behalf of your company to assist your customers in paying their bill. We also offer our services via a variety of channels including voice, chat, SMS, and email. Our firm is currently preforming very well. In fact, many of our clients have recently notified us that they will be expanding our role in the coming months. In addition, we are also seeing incredible results in our CSAT surveys. We believe this is in part due to our immersion in analytics technology and our dedication to enhancing the customer experience. Levels of client satisfaction I have to believe we are the leaders in our industry for client satisfaction. In our 95-year history, we have never had a client leave us for performance or program satisfaction. I do not know anyone else who can say that. I think that our success stems from our mind-set to put our clients first and it starts before we even begin working. Our thought process is a little bit different than most BPO’s or collections firms. Rather than creating a box and asking our clients to fit in to it, we work them to create something that fits exactly what they need. We also recognise that what works for one client might not work for another, so it is very important for us to work alongside our clients as partners rather than vendors. The vital role of our staff Our staff is the heart of our company without it nothing else could function. I think that at some companies the staff, or in the case of a BPO, the agents often get overlooked and taken for granted. It is imperative that our agents understand the vital role they play in making our company the best it can be. In order for us to compete and win on a global stage, we have to perform at top levels across the board and it is our agents that do that. In terms of whether strong financial services sector is critical to the success of the economy and a vital enabler of growth, yes, I believe that is true. I think a strong financial services sector is a key driver in economic growth. A strong financial services sector not only benefits those in financial services, but it also directly correlates to the success of just about every other sector as well. With a strong financial services sector comes an influx of capital. Regarding companies of all types having access to the most up-to-the-minute and relevant financial knowledge and expertise, let me start by saying that any company making an informed decision not only wants the most up to date information, but they really require it. Without it, modelling and projections would be off. For us to have the most up to the minute financial knowledge and expertise is extremely important. When we make decisions on a new location, capital expense, or even quote a client we are not just doing it for the now. We are projecting for 3, 5, or sometimes even 10 years down the road. So, it is very much critical to our future. In terms of our firm’s success, over the past few years we have seen accelerated growth in our customer experience and 1st party collections work. Much of this growth has come from current clients who have loved working with us. We have also expanded geographically during that time frame as well, indeed we now have locations in India and the Philippians. Our company’s immediate priority for the future is to continue to partner with great clients that we feel we can add value to. We never want to be a commodity dealer, but only a value-added partner. Furthermore, our success has allowed us to begin the search for a near shore location in either Central or South America and we hope to be adding another one in 2017. I would also like to add that giving our clients customers the best customer experience is our number one priority. It is not something we just pay lip service to. It is something we take to heart. We have recently made some significant investments into speech and text analytics tools that we can provide to all of our clients at no additional cost. This allows for an analysis of all interactions and for the first time lets them see the true sentiment of the customer. In the past, only a select group of calls or emails were QA monitored, so you could never really get a full understand of how all customers feel. Company: Frontline Group Name: Ryan O’Hara Email: [email protected] Web: Phone: +1-855-591-2163 Enhancing the Customer Experience O 1701AI05