AI Magazine Issue 1 2017

Acquisition International - January 2017 25 A Presence Within the Middle East introductions of new skills and techniques to the design process, all resulting in a better end product for the user and client. Plans for the future It’s a competitive market and day by day more companies and consultants are trying to be innovative and smart. Its keeping pace with the new technology. Thus, NEB needs to be updated and upgraded from time to time. Over the next 5 to 10 years, NEB plans to expand in all ways. We would like to take on new projects, adopt new strategies and incorporate the latest technologies in to our designs. It is essential that we adapt to the changing culture of the people to ensure our projects meet the needs of the end user, but also to ensure we stay on top of the latest trends in design and build. We also plan to grow our work force, ensuring we have a pool of highly skilled, trained and dedicated staff to offer the best services in the region. From this we will be building our platform to move beyond the UAE and Qatar and in to further regions, with the end goal of NEB becoming a global company. “At NEB, we pride ourselves on realising our client’s visions .”