AI Magazine Issue 1 2017

44 Acquisition International - January 2017 Timely and Clear Legal Advice SGOC – Sousa Guedes, Oliveira Couto & Associados is a Law Firm, made up of 26 lawyers, which provides legal advice to corporate and private clients in the most diverse and expressive areas of law, namely in banking and finance, commercial and corporate law, public law, tax, labour law and insolvency and restructuring. In an insightful interview, the firm’s Founder and Partner Francisco de Sousa Guedes gives us a glimpse of SGOC and the work as a legal advisor. an you tell me about your expertise as an advisor? In addition to having my own office until 1985, between 1978 and 1997, I worked in several banking entities in the commercial area and in the legal services (litigation, contracts and investment banking). In 1999, together with two other colleagues, I founded SGOC. My main areas of activity are banking and finance, commercial and corporate law, litigation and civil law (contracts and succession). What important behind the scenes work do advisors such as you carry out? In addition to the updated monitoring of legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence, it is also important for the lawyer to know the client’s business and the framework in which it operates. To what extent do you think that advisors contribute massively to a company’s success? A key point for companies is to be able to invest in an environment of legal clarity and certainty. In this sense, our intervention at an increasingly early stage, in a preventive way, contributes to a more solid decision-making by companies. What kind of clients do you serve and how do you approach them? My main clients are banks and commercial companies. I also advise private clients, especially in matters related to contracts and successions. I seek to keep a regular follow-up of my clients, either through the mere telephone contact, or through regular meetings. What role do staff play in the success of your firm? I work with a young and very dynamic team, who wears the jersey, and whose commitment and work has been very important for our affirmation in the market and prestige. Do you have any plans for the future that you would like to share with our readers? For 2017, we expect to broaden and deepen our client base and our own team. Company: SGOC – Sousa Guedes, Oliveira Couto & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, R.L. Name: Francisco de Sousa Guedes Email: [email protected] Web: Address: Rua Ricardo Severo, 132, 4050-515 Porto, Portugal Phone: +351 225 430 230 Timely and Clear Legal Advice C 1701AI82