AI Magazine Issue 1 2017

Acquisition International - January 2017 57 Honesty, Quality, Credibility and Modesty to the right person and adjust its action regularly taking into account the evolution of the case. If it comes to litigation, objective analysis of the case aiming at defining its chances of success in order to advise accordingly the client; should a case be brought before the CJEU, absolute legal discipline is applied. Tell us about the legal profession currently. What have been the biggest and most significant developments and what challenges do businesses such as yours face? Globalisation led to the reinforcement of the big law firms and concentration of important cases. However, this implies a rather impersonal treatment of clients and diffusion of accountability. During the economic crisis, clients are concerned about getting a more personal and responsible treatment while examining more thoroughly their costs. A small legal firm that is up to take over cases of this type has the chance of becoming in this environment more competitive. What sets your firm apart from your competitors and peers and how do you use this differentiation to your advantage? Honesty, quality, credibility and modesty. We let reputation work for us. What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the legal profession? Contributing to the right policy formulation and, in particular, to the creation of new case law while defending the interests of the client. The client’s satisfaction is invaluable rewarding. Looking at the wider legal market, what developments do you foresee and how will you adapt around these? More complex cases are expected to be generated (everything is under review in the EU) and further competition among law firms. Looking after the interests of our clients the same way while faithfully anticipating internal to the EU and other geopolitical developments seem to us to be the right way ahead.