AI Magazine Issue 1 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 1 2018 11 Dapesco is a consultancy company that specialises in guiding and advising large organisations about all of the many issues involved with energy management. We profile the firm to learn more about how it came to be named Leading Adviser of the Year - Belgium in our highly-regarded Leading Adviser Awards 2017. ounded in2002,Dapesco initiallyoperated as a research unit dedicated to energy saving. Its mission is to lower its clients’ energy bills by looking at two factors: lowering consumption and lowering the purchasing price. Since inception the firm has flourished, and as such Dapesco’s services have been present on the five major continents since 2013. Louvain-la-Neuve University science park is where the company has its headquarters. Dapesco also has offices in Paris and partners in different countries. Historically, Dapesco’s typical client is an energy- intensive, multi-site company. Keen to manage both financial and technical aspects at a global level, Dapesco soon noticed the absence on the market of any software tools enabling the integration of data from multi-site clients. Working with multi-site clients gave rise to Dapesco’s second business: energy management software design. Its platform, formerly known as EMIS, which stands for Energy Management Information System, allows energy to be monitored continuously and remotely. It integrates meter data (taken from meters and sub-meters), invoicing data, production data, as well as meteorological and contractual data. In 2018, EMIS is replaced by JOOL, a brand new software platform integrating Artificial Intelligence, big data analytics and collaborative expertise. JOOL fulfils a triple-headed function in regard to energy: the optimisation of purchases, daily management of energy saving activities and technical expertise in relation to the technologies in place. Company: Dapesco s.a. Contact: Tanguy Detroz Contact Email: [email protected] Address: Fleming Science Park, Granbonpré, 4, 1348 Louvain La Neuve, Belgium Phone: 0032 10 22 52 86 Website: Putting Artificial Intelligence into the EnergyManagement Market F 1712AI75 Among Dapesco’s clients are some of the big names in a range of sectors including retail, tertiary building, industry and the public sector. Some of them, the self- supporting end-users, use its tools autonomously and exploit the data using their own energy manager. Others require the full services of Dapesco, delegating their entire energy management process. These also include resellers, partner research companies that offer Dapesco’s platform to their clients under their own label. What marks the firm out as the best possible option for this wide variety of clients, is its vast field expertise, as experience is a real added value compared to many young start-ups in the industry that may be very aggressive in terms of price but have less comprehensive solutions. Like everywhere in Europe, regulation is increasing in terms of energy efficiency, and this creates a positive effect for the energy management sector. Nevertheless, only strong and experienced companies manage these opportunities in a global way, including finance, technology and environment. Belgium is demonstrating creativity in sustainable energy, and Dapesco aims to be at the forefront of this latest development. All of these sectors are strengths for Dapesco, and as such the firm has a bright and exciting future ahead. To capitalise on the opportunities, it foresees in the market, moving forward the company is striving for large-scale international expansion in the next three years. With two people already in Paris, it intends to establish a presence with its French neighbours for reasons of cultural proximity. Above all, it aims to establish itself in Germany either by creating subsidiaries or through acquisitions. Recently, Dapesco also signed contracts that will allow the firm to operate in Russia, China and the USA, allowing it to grow and build upon the phenomenal success it has already achieved. “What marks the firm out as the best possible option for this wide variety of clients, is its vast field expertise, as experience is a real added value...”