AI Magazine Issue 1 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 1 2018 31 Driving Innovation in Leadership Development UK business, all we are seeing is that it has introduced great uncertainty in to every sector. As a result, organisations are not sure if they can invest in long term projects or where they will base their key staff, and are even unsure what skill sets will be required post Brexit. While we have a long track record of being agile and helping clients to adapt to change, this situation is proving to be quite a challenge. As a result, we are increasing the level of work we do outside the UK, and having an office in Mexico that is also only 90 minutes from Dallas, has proved to be highly beneficial.” Despite the challenges Brexit will bring, looking ahead, Protostar will continue to adapt and innovate in order to remain at the cutting edge of this fast paced industry, as Michael concludes. “Overall, the future is looking bright for Protostar, as we have a solid client base of international or large UK clients, plus a nice variety of SMEs that regularly return for more support. Our innovative approach to ensuring that clients only receive the most effective elements of a service and our push to promote Return on Investment as a means of measuring the support we provide, appears to be seen as a refreshing change from the traditional ‘charge high and for everything’ style that the consultancy industry is often labelled with.” “To continue to meet our clients’ ever evolving needs, moving forward we are going to be focussing more on our diagnostic survey work and have formed a sister company Protostar Surveys” (www.protostarsurveys. to promote that aspect of our services, and we are confident that this will result in significant international growth.” Michael Coates Managing Director at Protostar Michael (sat centre right) with business leaders in Mexico