AI Magazine Issue 1 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 1 2018 39 KPMG Zambia is a professional services firm that provides Audit, Tax and Advisory services of an international standard. Jason Kazilimani provides us with an overview of the company and himself, demonstrating why he has been so successful. n Zambia, KPMG’s local practice has been in continuous operation since 1954, possessing five Partners and upward of 120 members of staff. Jason tells us what an honour it is to be selected in the 2017 Global Excellence Awards as CEO of the Year 2017 – Zambia, before explaining what it means for the firm in the future. “Firstly, it is a great honour to be selected for this award, but beyond me being recognised as the winning CEO, a great deal of credit must go out to the fantastic team of professionals that I work with and the brand that we represent. “Secondly, for me and my team, it means we are doing something right and rather than become complacent, it is an indicator to work harder to continue to provide the highest quality services to its clients.” Moving forward with this success, Jason outlines the overall mission of KPMG, explainingwhat steps the firm will take in order to achieve this. Integrating innovation into every aspect of its work, Jason explains that the firm wants to mark itself out as the best possible option for clients. “Here at KPMG, our values define who we are, what we do, and how we approach our work. KPMG staff worldwide are committed to providing top quality services in conformitywith our values, ethical standards and rules of transparency. Quite simply, we want to be the Clear Choice of professional services firm.” Furthermore, this mission is what helps the company differentiate itself from its competitors. With all staff having a clear outline of what they are expected to achieve, there is a clear culture of success ahead for KPMG, which comes about from a happy working environment. This exciting internal culture is a fine example of Jason’s exceptional leadership, as he provides an honest and open environment in which all staff have a voice. “Essentially, our unique culture differentiates us, we call it the KPMG difference. We do not want to be the biggest professional services firm. We want to be the clear choice by, attracting and keeping the best people, winning the best mandates, doing the best work for the best clients and being the most trusted firm.” “Moreover, I like to think that we have a good, modern culture. One in which even the most junior team Company: KPMG Contact: Jason Kazilimani Contact Email: [email protected] Address: First Floor Eluda Two, Addis Ababa Roundabout, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia Phone: 00260 211 372 911 Website: Flying the Flag I 1712AI36 members have the opportunity and the confidence to speak up if they are unsure or uncomfortable with a situation. To ensure that our staff are able to service clients properly and to give them the confidence and necessary soft skills, we invest heavily in technical training and staff development. Under my leadership we have also added a system of staff rotations with global practices. At any given time, up to 5% of our workforce are based abroad for further development and I am proud to say that we have high performing staff based in the US, UK and South Africa right now.” There is clearly a lot to look forward to for KPMG Zambia, with Jason evidently excited about the future. He refers to the way in which the team has transformed the company, expanded a huge amount, and hints at even more growth, with no signs of slowing down. “Looking ahead, I am very optimistic about the future of my practice. Over the next 36 months, we have a bold programme to improve all of our back-end systems, staff training and mentorship structures. As that comes on stream, clients can look forward to even greater levels of efficiency in our service delivery. Since 2011 we have transformed this firm, doubled its size, expanded the client base and we have no intention of slowing down in our quest to provide the very best in professional services and become your clear choice.” Throughout the country, Zambia offers an exciting investment opportunity with a fast changing landscape, intense competition in some industries and little in others. To keep ahead of emerging developments, KPMG must invest significant resources both locally and globally in knowledge gathering and management. The team works closely with the government, regulatory agencies and captains of industry to ensure that it has a finger on the pulse and a sense of what is going to happen next. In his concluding comments, Jason cannot sing the praises of working in Zambia highly enough. “In closing, let me fly the flag for Zambia. My view is that in analysing the range of opportunities that this country offers, many observers have a very narrow view, dominated by mining, overlooking the brilliant agricultural, manufacturing and logistical opportunities that exist. My advice to investors looking at Zambia, is to engage a credible advisor, research your prospects thoroughly and make bold investments.”