AI Magazine Issue 1 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 1 2018 49 Tradition in Innovation tax advisory for internationally mobile families with complex affairs and investment structures in both common and civil law jurisdictions.” However, it is not just the variety and adaptability of the company’s services which help Lugna to stand out, something João is keen to point out. The firm is always looking at ways it can improve, whether it be through its practice areas or customer services, and there is a freedom within the company which allows discussions to take place. “In terms of workflow process, we stand apart by distancing ourselves from a traditional insular approach to projects where information is partitioned. Any topic is up for internal discussion, allowing us to utilise our multidisciplinary and diverse team. “Moreover, Lugna has an ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality of its advisory and professional reputation. We have a strict confidentiality policy in which discretion and good judgment have earned us the trust of our clients.” Being selected in the 2017 Global Excellence Awards is something which excites João and the rest of his team, and he is keen to acknowledge the clients which the firm work with as a major aspect of the company being name the Best Legal Practice 2017: FinTech & Cryptocurrency. “Concerning all the work we do and services which we provide, we have the privilege of working with great clients spanning a wide geographic range and it is great to have our team’s work recognised.” As a result of winning this award, Lugna is able to further cement itself within the financial sector. João provides us with a brief overview of the industry within Portugal, giving us an insight into the company’s standing within this ever growing sector. “Portugal, as well as most countries, is yet to develop a strong Cryptocurrency friendly legal framework, so most of our blockchain related work involves multiple jurisdictions. “In 2017, we have also allocated more resources to compliance related matters. For instance, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now a concern for all companies with E.U. clients, due to a direct impact on their organisational framework. Our team now provides a global analysis of the impact of GDPR by identifying and minimising the privacy risks of new projects or policies.” Moving forward, there looks to be exciting times ahead for the firm, with João hinting at possible expansion in a variety of areas, as Lugna looks to maintain its niche of practicing and excelling in non- traditional areas. “Since 2016, the number of Lugna’s clients that are start-ups or in Fintech increased, and we will continue to grow our presence and expertise in other non-traditional sectors of business.”