14 | Acquisition International, Issue 1 2024 raniteWMS, or the Granite Warehouse Management System, is an end-to-end, barcode-based management software solution that finally tackles some of the outdated practises surrounding the warehouse management industry. Enabling full traceability of all items through a simplified, intuitive platform, the system promises a drastic increase in warehouse processes and performance, while simultaneously reducing the risk of items going missing. Ultimately, it’s an invaluable tool that has already assisted over 140 warehouses in over 40 varying sectors – a number that is ever-growing. But how does it work? To begin, Granite sends in an operative to do an assessment of a client’s warehouse. This allows the company to gain a firm grasp of a business’s unique needs, and how to best integrate its patented management system into their operations. Once this stage has been completed, Granite proceeds to identify the key aspects of its customers’ processes. Essentially, this paves the way for the system to pick up on the pain points, and formulate an action plan in response. Finally, the system is installed in just a few short weeks, as opposed to over multiple months, and the client’s staff are trained in the art of putting the system to good use. On paper, the idea is brilliant. In practise, it’s even more so. This is primarily due to the barcode-based nature of the software. In short, this feature allows workers to prioritise scanning over typing, ultimately saving time, paperwork, and preventing overall confusion. The automated nature of barcode-based scanning means employees can perfectly capture all of the necessary data in under half the time of manual data recording, all whilst following an easy-to-understand, step-by-step process. Each task is laid out before the worker; all they need to do is point and scan, and the system handles the rest. This, in turn, further enforces the accuracy of a warehouse’s stock. GraniteWMS users benefit from speedy, efficient picking as a direct result of the software’s capabilities, allowing them to get products to customers on time. Speaking of time, stocktakes take significantly less effort when utilising Granite’s intuitive system – it ensures that all stock is accounted for in real time, ultimately reducing redundancies, overstocking, and process times as a whole. GraniteWMS is designed with eliminating all of the struggles facing the warehouse management industry in mind, and it’s already made quite the impression. After all, it’s been constructed specifically for warehouse management; how could it not be the perfect solution? Of course, not every warehouse owner is going to be an exceptional expert in all things technology. Nobody truly is. However, Granite promises that, with its Warehouse Management System, technological prowess won’t factor into how much use one can get out of the ingenious software. Designed with a simple, web-based interface – one that’s easy to implement, with no unnecessary additions – GraniteWMS has optimised usability tenfold. By Any warehouse owner or operator will tell you that managing stock can be one of the trickiest parts of the job. Despite recent upgrades in technology, it seems as though the older methods are still being deployed to this day, with little room for improvement. To eliminate this issue is GraniteWMS, an award-winning warehouse management system that recently came to earn the title of Most Innovative Warehouse Management Solutions Provider 2023 - South Africa. Combining ingenuity and innovation, GraniteWMS has developed a software that can put an end to complicated warehouse management processes as we know it. G End-to-End Warehouse Management Oct23429