AI Issue 10 2017

36 Acquisition International - October 2017 The winner of the 2017 Business Elite Award is PARKITECT AG, a Swiss company specializing in infrastructure for all kinds of wheeled sports. We caught up with founding partner, Erik Burgon, for an interview to learn more. ARKITECT AG provides the world with Modular Pumptracks that inspire people of all ages and abilities to have fun getting physically active within their communities so they can live happier and healthier lives. Erik explains how thrilled he and his team are to be counted among the winners of the Business Elite Award. “My team and I were thrilled to have been given the opportunity to participate in this competition. All we started with was an idea, a few hundred bucks and a dream. It is awesome to see our humble journey being recognized at this level.” Modular Pumptracks are structures which provide everyone with the opportunity to have fun getting physically active on wheels. Erik explains exactly what a Modular Pumptrack is and how it works. “A Modular Pumptrack is a new type of rideable structure for wheeled sports of all kinds. It has a smooth, undulating riding surface and banked corners that allow riders to use their body weight, gravity and momentum to “pump” their way around the track on their bikes, scooters, skateboards, roller blades etc. rather than peddling or pushing traditionally.” Erik goes on to tell us about why the Modular Pumptrack has become so successful and how it differs from more traditional types of wheeled sports infrastructure like cycle trails and skateparks. “There is a vast demographic in this world that ride some form of wheeled sports equipment for transportation and/or leisure. The Modular Pumptrack is a solution for urban environments, where riders have limited options within close proximity of their residence to enjoy their sport. Other structures such as cycle trails and skateparks are more geared towards specific user groups.” “Generally speaking, skateparks tend to be a bit intimidating and difficult for beginners and children to enjoy. They also do not have a defined riding direction, which can cause tension between users of different types of wheeled sports equipment and between various age groups and skill levels. A Modular Pumptrack is a unidirectional structure that is easy to learn and yet progressively more Company: PARKITECT AG Address: Reutenenstrasse 22 CH-9042 Speicher Switzerland Website: All Wheels All Ages All Abilities P 1706AI30 challenging as your speed increases. That combination means that more users per square meter, from a much wider spectrum of abilities, can enjoy riding simultaneously.” Innovative and ambitious, Erik then goes into detail about how he came up with the design for a Modular Pumptrack. Furthermore, he describes what types of clients are buying Modular Pumptracks, typically those looking to provide a venue for physical activity within their respective community. “Essentially, the Modular Pumptrack is designed to pack as much fun-per-square-meter, for as many users as possible, into one structure. The fundamental design principal being to allow anyone, of any age, of any ability, riding any kind of wheeled sports equipment, to enjoy riding around the track, safely and comfortably. The original concept was my own, bourn from many years of professional mountain bike riding and modular system design. To get from those original prototypes, to what is now winning awards like this one, was a real team effort, with input from professional athletes from many disciplines, material experts, structural engineers, and countless hours of testing.” “Studies show that our Modular Pumptrack increases the amount of physical activity that is enjoyed by the people within the communities where they are installed. As a result, our clients typically have a vested interest in increasing the number of happy and healthy people within their community or facility. Most installations are in the public sector, including: cities, towns, schools and sport/leisure facilities, where encouraging an active lifestyle has multiple community benefits. In the private sector, we deal mostly with holiday resorts and adventure parks, seeking a fun, physically active, and innovative experience for their guests.” In his concluding statements, Erik comments on how well the Modular Pumptrack concept has been accepted within various communities around the world. Interesting considering the diversity of the cultures found in the over 40 countries in which they have been installed. Furthermore, he hints at what the future holds for PARKITECT, explaining how innovation will continue to help the firm serve its customers.