AI Issue 10 2017

6 Acquisition International - October 2017 Tech billionaire, Dr. Andy Khawaja of Allied Wallet reveals his thoughts on winning the Leading Investment Experts 2017 accolade and, provides a fascinating glimpse into the company’s global online services and how they are making a way for millennials to start up in business and be successful. irstly, can you tell us in a nutshell what Allied Wallet does? Allied Wallet provides global online services with the tools of fraud reduction and cyber security implemented in Allied Wallet’s Global Payment Gateway infrastructure. Not only do we process credit cards domestically and globally, but at the same time, we reduce the fraud ratio and chargeback based on the massive negative database that we have generated over the past 12 years since the dawn of the company. Many providers take advantage of the honest merchants in terms of high chargebacks. So, when it comes to Allied Wallet’s system, data comes into that negative database and we identify the good and the bad. So, the transaction is thrown away when the card is related to that negative database. How does it feel to be selected as Leading Investment Experts 2017? When we constantly have a gross of 100% into the negative database and when you understand the concept and scale of the e-commerce business, I would say that it is an honour to be selected as the Leading Investment Experts for 2017. I believe that Allied Wallet are pretty much ‘the messiah of e-commerce and finance’, especially on a global level then we must be doing something right and people need to understand that we are constantly growing in 58 countries worldwide. It feels good to wear these shoes and I am always happy to advise and share my knowledge. Tell me how Allied Wallet invests in people - your staff and your clients? We work with our clients to teach them what’s good and what isn’t, and advise them not to just sell a product, but to look at what the consumer needs to maximise profit. My team members work hand in hand with every merchant and consumer, indeed we are dedicated to provide outstanding services to them. We want to educate them and what could be potentially bad or good and we look at businesses for which we have processes in place for and we understand how businesses grow. We can therefore give any business advice based on our existing experience. Company: Allied Wallet Web: ANewWay forMillennials F 1705AI70 What specific expertise does Allied Wallet have when it comes to investments? The best investment we do, is to give the opportunity for a business to launch. Even if you have a brilliant idea today and start a business from scratch, the biggest problem it to have a financial institution who will allow you to start trading. Many banks expect you to have financial backing behind you, but those who have just graduated from university do now have this behind them. If you want to provide credit card processing and services, but the bank would want to know how much business the entrepreneur would be doing in six months and what the chargeback could be within that period. The bank therefore expect security from the budding merchant, but with Allied Wallet, we provide these services based on the business study and we don’t take money upfront. If we like the business, we ask to invest in it if we like it. What sets your experts apart from others in the e-commerce field? Firstly, we are the leader in the field and secondly, we are creating jobs and promoting entrepreneurs and we are making a new way for the youth to get out there and start a business and build themselves a company. We want to provide them with clean transactions, so they can stay in business. Whatever helps the community, I would say that we are the best at that and we want to carry on doing that on a global level. What impact is Allied Wallet having on the world today, as the results of the investment and efforts you have put into building it up? Firstly, Allied Wallet is creating jobs and secondly, we are giving the millennials the chance to trade and conduct business without financials. We are opening doors for people who want to self- employed and independent, and this is having a massive impact because when we allow this to happen, will enable the creation of more jobs which will grow the economy and make the online business areas a safer place.