AI Issue 12 2017

40 Acquisition International - December 2017 OMC Abogados & Consultores (OMC Abogados) is a firm that provides legal assistance to companies in the private and public sector. We profile the business and speak to the team at OMC to find out more about the success and ambition of the law practice. MC Abogados provides multiple services ranging from IP services, constitution of company, drafting contracts and regulations for staff, planning and tax advice, resolution of commercial disputes and everything that involves the legal defence of the assets of its clients. Amongst its clients, the firm boasts companies who are engaged in textile trade, chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories, electrical appliances, automotive, personal care, health, food, tourism, logistics companies and foreign trade among others. The team tells us more about the business and their ongoing strategy, describing what techniques the firm employs which helps it in reaching the targets the company sets itself. “Firstly, here at OMC Abogados, we are dedicated to providing legal assistance to all who need it, mainly in Peru, and the majority of Latin American countries. We seek to generate confidence in the service we provide through the exposure of our knowledge in the field, and for this we turn to the use of any platform of social networks as possible, our own website and online or printed publications in specialized media. Additionally, integral to the operation of our business is Communication.” Constantly being updated on the information and new legislations within the country of Peru are key factors in the law firm’s success. The team explain what challenges the practice has faced throughout its time in Peru, and how they have affected the company. “One of the challenges that we are facing is the international consolidation. We have a huge market that requires our attention, especially in the market of Asia and India, as well as European and American market which is where we aim our efforts.” Integral to the success of OMC Abogados is the happy working environment within the firm, something the team alludes to, as they also talk about how staff respect each other and in order to reach everyone’s individual and joint goals, employees must work together. “Throughout the practice, we have developed a good working atmosphere. The relationship with the staff is of cordiality and respect. We are all aware that in order to achieve the goals we need to give the Website: Providing the Best to Clients O 1711AI05 best of each, as well as work together to achieve our objectives.” Furthermore, following on from discussing the happy relationship between staff, the team tell us about their approach when undertaking a new client and project, detailing how they ensure right from the start that the outcome meets the needs of everyone involved. “When approaching a new project, our policy is to convene a meeting with the client and discuss their case, know the background and delve into details and then analyze them and propose possible solutions. We always provide personalized attention. The dialogue is permanent throughout the process, it is a way of confirming that we are on the right track and not diverting our efforts in irrelevant aspects.” Regarding the team’s thoughts on the state of the industry currently, they highlight what particular issues and developments are affecting it, and therefore OMC Abogados. The team talk about how, like most industries, including the legal industry is ever changing and so every law firm must adapt to meet the demands of clients which are increasing at a rapid rate. “Like all dynamic markets, changes are frequent, modernity demands of companies for rapid adaptation, otherwise they are intended to be competitive and disappear. “Thus, the rules that govern the life in society or on the way to make businesses also suffer changes. One way to understand and prepare for it is to participate in international conferences of the specialty, in this way the knowledge is updated plus the experiences that other colleagues have passed, helps to develop new strategies to face these situations.” Signing off, the team conclude that everyone at OMC Abogados will continue to produce develop their best work, looking to achieve their goals and receive achieve greater recognition of its name around the world, as it expands the brand and attract more business. “Ultimately, there are always goals to fulfil and once they have been achieved we set a new one. What we hope to achieve is greater recognition of our name beyond the Peruvian borders and be a reference for Latin American firms.”