Issue 12 2022

Acquisition International - Issue 12 2022 25 TCW is a world-first company which has harnessed the value of technology and software within the engineering and compliance industries, its aim being to simplify the management of data interpretation to give clients one true voice around corporate risk profiling. TCW saves lives, but not in the way that we can see and applaud; it gives clients access to data points they’ve previously not had a chance of seeing. Doing this puts the power at their fingertips so the decisions they make are more proactive. Recognised by Acquisition International as Best Asset & Compliance Management Software Solutions Provider – UK, we got in touch with CEO, Ryan Dempsey to learn more. Oct22380 yan Dempsey, along with his fellow directors at TCW, begun the company’s journey with the view that if their solution could save one life, it would all be worth it. Having achieved this ten-times over, he is consistently proud of the company’s continued advances to help more and more clients achieve the same. Applying specific understanding to risk at a level that only qualified and competent engineers would be able to see is the core benefit of the TCW solution. However, this hasn’t always been easy as the development of the software has had to use current methods whilst also defining completely new ones to ensure the output marries up with each industry-specific scientific validation. Right now, TCW is growing at an exceptional rate – and beyond the industry in which it started. This is due to its uniqueness and the fact that its existing customers are talking loudly about the value of having data analytics at a level that only TCW can provide. As a business of three main directors with complementary experience and skills, it was decided that the first port of call for the solution should be in the sector they could understand and that they had a presence. Ryan gives us an insight: “Social housing is where the idea of TCW came from, and our company understands this in great detail. As we’ve grown, we have started to understand that risk management in housing is very similar to risk management in any sector. Now, there are some slight nuances when you step into other arenas, but all in all, the need to protect life and property whilst finding ways to spend money wisely is universal.” For TCW, it is the staff that make the business work the way it does. Ryan says he “sometimes [has to pinch himself] when [he and the team] meet as the ideas and customer focus are so on point it’s scary”. He goes on to say, “For example, I worked in housing and risk management for years and I’m the only one who has, yet when our staff communicate with clients, they seem to fully understand the ‘what’s and ‘why’s around some of the concerns our clients have. Almost like they’ve lived through the pain themselves and they know exactly how to fix the issue.” In terms of recruiting new staff members, TCW seeks to know individuals’ aspirations and whether they would fit in a business that is growing fast and continues to. In particular, it is important that everyone understands that TCW was very recently a start-up software company, and it still portrays elements of a start-up as it learns to grow in the new era of scaling a business. R Turning Information into Insight Ryan shares, “For me, a happy life has to include job satisfaction. I love working for TCW because of many factors, including the people in it. We all bounce and learn from each other and each week we all grow. Luckily, that growth is ticking all the right boxes for a successful company.” Meanwhile, every business has its inevitable challenges. One of the main ones for TCW has always been the need to educate the market about new technology. Ryan says, “Natural human instinct is to match something to something else because we are not all configured in a way to appreciate true innovation. Every time we show our product, we are met with “who are your competitors?” or “does it really do what you showed us?”. These are valid questions that we need to answer from a procurement and value for money element, but to bring a brand-new way of working and then promote it in a way that doesn’t upset those who feel meeting obligations is hard.” He continues, “We’ve learned that a pushy sales process here doesn’t work; you have to slowly bring the understanding to a point where the client makes the connection that “what we have always done is not what we should always do”. TCW hasn’t only created a new market, it’s also defined how innovation should be presented and grown to maximise its benefits.” Now, the company has an exciting major development brewing, but it’s too soon to announce details! What Ryan can share is, “Our product has become so flexible in its ability that we feel a few doors can be opened in 2023 that would allow for the product to change the world of compliance.” Watch this space. Company: TCW Contact: Ryan Dempsey Email: [email protected] Website: