AI Magazine Issue 2 2017

46 Acquisition International - February 2017 LoPresti Law Group, PC (LLG) is a leading corporate and securities law firm providing comprehensive legal solutions to clients around the globe. We profile the firm and explore the range of solutions it provides. ounded in 2013, LLG is a boutique securities law firm in New York that has been dedicated to the alternative asset management industry since its inception. The firm serves both the buy and the sell side of the hedge fund marketplace, representing fund managers and the funds they advise as well as allocators to hedge funds, providing advice regarding fund structuring, fund formation services (domestic and offshore), investment advisor registration / exemption compliance, negotiation of fund investments (including seeding agreements), structure and registration of 1940 Act Funds, due diligence and investor document review and preparation, and related services and advice. On the sell side, LLG represents hedge fund managers both large and small, start-up and seasoned, in connection with launch of various fund vehicles and related advisory entities. With regards to the buy side, LLG advises fund investors in most all categories in connection with the evaluation, due diligence, and structuring of investments in hedge funds, managed accounts, and other investment vehicles. In this capacity LLG advises multi- manager funds, single and multi-family offices, and high net worth individuals when they deploy capital to hedge fund strategies. Larger allocators are advised to conduct independent operational and other due diligence that involves obtaining references from key service providers and confirming that basic safeguards are in place to prevent risks unrelated to investment strategies. LLG advises all fund investors to perform a detailed attribution analysis. Alpha is getting harder to find, and correlation among Company: LoPresti Law Group, PC Name: Marc X. LoPresti, Esq. Email: info@ Web: Phone: (212) 732-4029 Keeping You Secure F HF170087 Keeping You Secure sectors, strategies and asset classes makes the search even harder. Today’s hedge fund investors need to have a deeper and more dissected understanding of the composition of a particular fund’s portfolio and how the investment in question will fit into their overall portfolio. Therefore, LLG works with trusted local partners in many prevalent offshore jurisdictions to accommodate its Clients’ needs outside the US, aiming to achieve its mission: to provide legal advice to the alternative asset management industry that is based on practical experience gained outside the confines of the law firm environment, and to provide such advice and related services on the basis of sensible, fixed-fee arrangements wherever possible. Clients large and small demand that legal services, like any other business expense, are to be understood, budgeted and controlled wherever possible as part of the duty our clients owe to their own investors and shareholders. As such, LLG takes this into consideration in formulating fees for the services it provides. Moving forward, LLG expect to see an ongoing migration of alternative fund strategies into the ’40 Act space, and changes in the capital raising processes with institutional investors continuing to reduce exposure to hedge funds and the increasing popularity of turn-key asset management platforms (TAMPs) assisting the so-called “democratization” of the hedge fund industry. Overall, like most in the industry, the firm will be watching carefully to see what changes lay in store to the US regulatory landscape that may result from a more business-friendly Trump administration, and anticipate an exciting and opportunity laden future.