AI Magazine Issue 2 2018- Global Care Clinical Trials

Acquisition International - Issue 2 2018 103 Number and Aggregate Value (mil USD) of Support Services Deals Globally: 2006-2018 YTD (as at 31st January 2018) Deal monthly value (Announced date) Number of deals Aggregate deal value (mil $) January 2018 881 20,884 December 2017 848 18,428 November 2017 946 19,161 October 2017 997 30,067 September 2017 1,009 28,981 August 2017 926 24,726 July 2017 1,013 34,088 June 2017 1,100 22,338 May 2017 1,064 27,774 April 2017 896 25,081 March 2017 1,088 21,986 February 2017 947 16,809 January 2017 1,004 23,440 December 2016 1,005 53,763 November 2016 972 30,499 October 2016 1,001 31,480 September 2016 1,090 23,066 August 2016 1,086 29,784 July 2016 1,042 18,687 June 2016 1,137 56,660 World region (target) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 North America 5,784 5,278 4,151 3,717 300 Far East and Central Asia 1,840 3,254 3,476 3,134 270 Western Europe 2,758 3,092 3,406 3,256 244 Eastern Europe 935 665 888 828 45 Oceania 443 429 392 423 37 South and Central America 394 296 237 215 16 Africa 114 89 94 97 7 Middle East 143 167 147 138 3 Number of Support Services Deals Globally: 2006-2018 YTD (as at 5th February 2018) Round-up of February Dealmaking in the healthcare industry is off to a good start in 2018, following a record year in terms of the number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals announced in 2017. There were 2,096 deals worth an aggregate USD 49,978 million announced in the sector in 2017, according to Zephyr, the M&A database published by Bureau van Dijk. In terms of both volume and value, this represents an increase on the 1,986 deals worth USD 44,533 million recorded in 2016. 2018 has started promisingly, with 149 deals worth USD 4,916 million announced since the start of the year. Of these deals, 142 worth USD 4,907 million were announced in January, which despite being one of the largest recorded aggregate deal values in the healthcare industry of the last 12 months, still represented a decline on the USD 12,902 million announced in December 2017 and the USD 6,748 million announced in January 2017. However, if results continue on this trajectory for the rest of this year, value should manage to surpass 2017’s levels. It is still too early to tell if dealmaking will be able to reach the highs recorded in 2015 (USD 64,174 million) and 2006 (USD 74,542 million), although it only takes a couple of significant deals to change the course of the year. The largest transaction announced in the year-to-date involved Mitsui & Co acquiring an 18 per cent interest in Malaysian private hospital operator IHH Healthcare for USD 2,286 million. This has been the only deal to exceed USD 1,000 million so far this year. In conclusion, dealmaking in the year to date has started favourably due to one billion-dollar-deal and if more high valued transactions are to be signed off in the coming months, values may be able to reach the highs recorded in 2015. February – Healthcare Number and Aggregate Value (mil $) of Support Services Deals Globally by Target Sector: 2006-2018 YTD (as at 5th February 2018) Number and Aggregate Value (mil USD) of Support Services Deals Globally: 2006-2018 YTD (as at 5th February 2018) Deal yearly value (Announced date) Number of deals Aggregate deal value (mil $) 2018 921 22,207 2017 11,838 292,879 2016 12,778 394,703 2015 13,280 371,477 2014 12,417 255,864 2013 9,636 168,885 Zephus classification (target) Number of deals Aggregate deal value (mil $) Computer, IT and Internet services 67,125 1,435,336 Mining & Extraction 5,642 619,738 Transport, Freight, Storage & Travel Services 15,158 573,877 Personal, Leisure & Business Services 15,181 549,926 Banking, Insurance & Financial Services 4,355 129,521 Wholesaling 1,593 104,160 Chemicals, Petro- leum, Rubber & Plastic 430 95,926 Utilities 1,074 78,935 Industrial, Electric & Electronic Machinery 1,287 76,842 Retailing 1,083 76,669 Communications 713 55,896 Property Services 567 46,631 Hotels and Restau- rants 956 40,492 Public Administra- tion, Education, Health Social Services 1,201 40,332 Construction 634 24,502