AI Magazine Issue 2 2018- Global Care Clinical Trials

56 Acquisition International - Issue 2 2018 KTalk Coaching & Consultancy supports leaders, teams, and organisations make those personal and collective changes that are most important to them. We invited Co-founders, Mohammad Thaer Abdul Halim and Marwa Karoura to explain more about the company and its overall mission. Talk typically work with individuals based within any organisational set up, whether it be a Government, multinational, not for profit or family business. We asked Mohammad and Marwa about the regular services that they offer, how they fit around redefining leadership and how the firm as a whole aims to offer the very highest standards of service and support to its valued clients. Please give us a brief overview of your company, and tell us about how it works to support clients. “In any organizational setup, we are basically dealing with people. That means with relationships across institutional and sector boundaries. And that’s really what we are after to change, how people connect and communicate with each other, how they connect to the larger system (Tasks, people, polices and procedure), but also to themselves while executing their Tasks, enforcing the process and eventually affecting the organizational bottom-line. “At Ktalk, we call that dialogue. For us dialogue is not people talking with each other. Dialogue is the capacity of a system to see itself, to move from a debate style of conversation, to a more self-reflective conversation, where leaders begin to see their own assumptions that are driving the conversation and eventually the results they are getting. “In a simplified version, you can say we are after moving leaders through a mindset shift, where initially they saw the system (Tasks, people, polices and procedure) basically something out there, towards another perspective that is seeing the system (Tasks, people, policies and procedure) in a way that is including themselves within it. In which the system (Tasks, people, policies and procedure) Company: KTalk Coaching & Consulting Address: 1704, 3 Sails Tower Adjecent to NBAD, On Corniche & Khaleej Al Arabi Intersection, P.O. Box 48099, Abu Dhabi, UAE Phone: 00971 2 443 0330 Website: ShiftingMindsets. As Mindsets Influence Behaviours. Behaviours Dictates Results. K 1802AI24 is not something separate, where Leaders begin to reflect about the intertwined relationship between the self and the system (Tasks, people, policies and procedure) that they’re dealing and engaging with. “So that mindset shift from this kind of perspective, the system (tasks, people, policies and procedure) is out there, to the kind of perspective, which includes myself and my relationship to the system (tasks, people, policies and procedure), is really what we are all about and what we believe makes all the difference. “On the level of the individual, that shift KTalk is after creating, we usually refer to as mindfulness or as a self-reflective capacity. Mindfulness is the capacity to connect to the now and to pay attention to your Intention and the impact of it on the system (tasks, people, policies and procedure). It about leaders not just being absorbed by the firefighting around them, but switch on this meta awareness, where the leaders are not only seeing something outside of themselves, but also see their own selves within that system (tasks, people, policies and procedure).” This is a really innovative approach. How does this ensure that your clients are able to adapt around the challenges they face in the corporate landscape today? “Many, if not most, of the change challenges organizations face today and will face in the future requires more than incorporating new technical skills (outer game development) into the current mindset. The current complexity of the economical and the social reality these organizations are operating within presents what we call ‘adaptive challenges’, and they can only be met by transforming the mindset, by advancing to a more sophisticated stage of mental development, it needs Leaders to master their ‘inner game’ Facinganadaptivechallengewitha technicalsolution is a destined failure. In the behavioural approach to organizational transformation, unfortunately leaders adjust systems and processes; technical solution (‘outer game’) with the aim of motivating “On the level of the individual, that shift KTalk is after creating, we usually refer to as mindfulness or as a self-reflective capacity.”