AI Magazine Issue 2 2018- Global Care Clinical Trials

Acquisition International - Issue 2 2018 57 or incentivizing employees to behave (adaptive challenge: inner game) in certainways. Theymight try to inspire employees to adopt desired behaviours or enact policies that require these behaviours. Without a change in mindset; Adaptive Skills (inner game). However, newly adopted behaviours won’t stick and results will suffer. On the other hand, organizations that foster the right foundational mindset (adaptive skills development: inner game) are able to ensure that employees sustainably adopt those behaviours that drive the desired break through results. “Desire and motivation are not enough: even when it is literally amatter of life or death, the ability to change remains maddeningly elusive. Given that the status quo is so potent, how can we change ourselves and our organizations? Our solutions focus on how individual beliefs-along with the collective mind-sets in organizations--combine to create a natural but powerful immunity to change. By revealing how this mechanism holds organizational change efforts back, our solutions give organizations the keys to unlock potential and finally move forward. And by pinpointing and uprooting organizations immunities to change, we can bring organizations forward. “This persuasive and practical approach we adopt in our solutions, filled with hands-on diagnostics and compelling implementation and execution structures and framework, delivers the tools organizations need to overcome the forces of inertia and transform each leader’s life and work.” How do you implement the skills you teach internally to ensure that the culture at KTalk helps drive your team to success? “To ensure excellence for both staff and clients, we adopt a creative leadership culture, where we thrive to live, relate, work and learn primarily from a creative orientation. This means that we work on directing our focus on creating what we most aspire for. We consciously try to direct our focus on a vision of the results we care about. Our motivation is that of being pulled into action out of a natural curiosity, desire, commitment, and even love for the future we are moving toward. “As for equipping our staff to enable them to offer the services our clients need, this lies in the rigorous due-diligence process we go about in selecting our team members and their alignment with our value system and organizational culture in one hand. Alongside this is our continuous aspiration affiliating with institutions offering best international practices when it comes to developmental models, assessment tools, certification and accreditation of facilitators and coaches.” Finally, what are your plans for the future of KTalk and how will you adapt to continue offering your clients the solutions they need? “After being blessed earning a super successful year in 2017, we are planning to expand our presence in the region, starting with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt and eventually the UK. We are very much looking forward to taking advantage of the opportunities this will bring us.” Thank you for your time, it has been a pleasure. Shifting Mindsets. As Mindsets Influence Behaviours. Behaviours Dictates Results.