AI Magazine Issue 2 2018- Global Care Clinical Trials

Acquisition International - Issue 2 2018 59 Chamberlain & Co is a boutique national recovery and insolvency practice with a team of dedicated professionals who specialise in the field of business recovery and insolvency. We invited Michael Chamberlain to tell us more about the firm, which was recently awarded Most Trusted Independent Insolvency Adviser – UK 2017 Global Excellence Awards. rawing on its team’s extensive experience gained within the largest accountancy firms, Chamberlain & Co is an innovative and dynamic firm committed to delivering high quality service and value to our clients, which are primarily entrepreneurs in the SME market. Combining big firm expertise with the cost- effective, client focused approach of a boutique, the firm supports clients across the full breadth of corporate and personal turnaround, rescue, refinance and insolvency processes. Working with a wide range of clients across the SME market, the practice tailors its service to the clients’ individual needs so that the outcome is always as positive as possible during this often incredibly trying and distressing time, as Michael highlights. “As a firm that operates to the highest levels of professionalism and integrity, at Chamberlain & Co we realise that each assignment presents a unique set of problems which require innovative solutions. Our initial focus is often to find success through discreet restructuring and the reorganisation of finances and business practises using leading edge rescue techniques. When this is not feasible, we examine informal and formal arrangements with the various creditors and other stakeholders. In some cases, the most appropriate option is to crystallise the position through the insolvency options available. The advice provided often covers both business and personal financial distress situations as the two are often interlinked in the SME market.” Thanks to the breadth of its experience the firm and its team have a strong knowledge of the UK’s insolvency landscape and the ongoing challenges it faces. This strong collective knowledge helps externally with clients and internally with the training and development of the less experienced team members. The team works closely together and are encouraged to discuss problems encountered on cases, using the team’s experience to reach the most suitable solution. Drawing Company: Chamberlain & Co Contact: Michael Chamberlain Address: Resolution House, 12 Mill Hill, Leeds, LS1 5DQ Phone: 0113 242 0808 or 0845 230 0808 Web Address: Intergrading Integrity into InsolvencyLaw D 1802AI56 on theCarillionGroup’s collapse as an example, Michael explores why firms such as his are so vitally important. “The insolvency market in the UK remains a competitive and challenging one. Throughout the UK there are a significant number of national and independent firms competing for the insolvency and restructuring work. Our industry has a perception problem – the size of professional fees and costs of an insolvency processes constantly being raised. In large insolvency cases, the level of fees will be brought to the attention of everyone, however, the problems that have been resolved, the jobs, businesses and livelihoods that have been saved are often all overlooked. “In the Carillion Group, where the size and nature of the businesses are varied and complex, the teams will have to review all themajor assignments and thenmake decisions on how best to proceed with these in order to determine the most appropriate action to maximise the return, or restrict any losses to creditors. Alongside these considerations will be how to minimise disruptions to schools, hospitals, other government services and capital projects of national importance. On top of this will betheneedtodealwithemployees,pensioners,pension trustees, suppliers, government and themedia. All of this will need to be undertaken under very tight timescales in order not to jeopardise or restrict the options available.” Ultimately, the insolvency market is no different to any other, with continuing advances in computer technology and communication methods the pressure to work quicker and more efficiently increases. Therefore, Chamberlain & Co will be seeking to adapt its service offering to continue meeting its clients’ ever-changing needs as the firm looks to the future, as Michael concludes. “Going forward, we are looking to use the business skills and expertise we have gained over the last 20 plus years to help more businesses restructure. It is our intention to establish a fund to be able to take the position as principal in certain special situations to capture the upside in successful investments for the benefit of all stakeholders whilst helping to preserve and create jobs and revive the business for the greater social benefit. This will present us with many great opportunities to continue providing our clients with the exceptional solutions they expect from us.” “...we are looking to use the business skills and expertise we have gained over the last 20 plus years to helpmore businesses restructure.”