AI Magazine Issue 2 2018- Global Care Clinical Trials

Acquisition International - Issue 2 2018 77 Njeri Kariuki is an advocate who has specialised in resolving disputes through arbitration and Alternative dispute resolution (ADR). We profile Njeri and discuss the services that she offers. uring the course of her career, Njeri has delivered awards as a sole arbitrator spanning the petroleum, insurance, banking, industry and corporate sectors, mainly in the domestic arena. Njeri has also sat on several three panel tribunals, as co-arbitrator, determining disputes in similar sectors. Besides being an arbitrator, Njeri is also an accredited mediator and is listed as a trainer & a tutor of several courses with the AFL of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. In addition, Njeri sat as Chair of a Dispute Adjudication Board set-up to midwife an international geothermal project to fruition for a period of three years. In her primary profession as an advocate, Njeri takes on, in the main, non-contentious matters in the realm of real estate (conveyancing) law, probate and succession, commercial contracts, company/business formations and company secretarial matters and also dallies in insurance litigation. Outlining the firm’s overall mission, Njeri tells us what steps she takes which help her to reach her targets and achieve her goals, before going on to explain how she integrates innovation into every aspect of her work, including staying up to date with developments in an ever evolving industry. “Throughout my career, the aim is to be a service to society with humility, integrity and a big smile. I achieve this by being personable, amiable, serving excellence and demanding that my staff members buy into my ethos to meet and exceed my clients’ expectations with a view to retaining them in the long term. Working innovatively, I listen closely for new trends within my industry, as well as others that I have the privilege to interact with via the networks I have cultivated over the years and then applying what I consider appropriate into my work, whatever the source. ICT plays an important part in my work as it facilitates performance and the delivery of service to my clients.” Despite working in an incredibly competitive industry, Njeri is able to differentiate herself from any legal professionals and mark herself out as the best possible option for clients. This is thanks to her overall ethos of exceeding client expectations and building an excellent personal reputation, something she is keen to highlight. “Separating myself apart from others is my ethos. I believe that you only have your reputation to get you through your life’s journey and if that’s thrown on to the scrap heap, you will have no legacy to speak of. Company: Njeri Kariuki Advocate Contact: Njeri Kariuki Address: Hughes Building, Muindi Mbingu Street, P.O. Box 79647, City Square – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya Phone: 00254 02 221 7936 TurningBelief intoReality D 1801AI34 An arbitral practice can only be built on a personal reputation for ethical behaviour and integrity for as I have noted elsewhere, even thieves want to put their money in the hands of an honest person of high integrity for they know where to find it when they want it back.” Providing us with a brief overview of what the legal industry is currently like in Kenya, Njeri is of the opinion arbitration offers a good alternative to the courts in the commercial aspect of law. She talks us through how arbitration has changed over the years, and mentions how she has had to adapt as well. “Arbitration is the method of choice for settling disputes in the commercial sector in Kenya and this has been the case for the last 20 to 30 years. Over the last few years, this trend has extended to international business transactions. The construction industry has been consistent in its use of arbitration although for the last several years, adjudication and dispute review boards have taken over in respect of large infrastructure projects. Arbitration is a more expeditious and efficient means of resolving disputes and the application and use of arbitration has become quite extensive in Kenya to the point that some of the amendments to the 2010 Civil Procedure Act were influenced by it. Having said that, it is only since promulgation of the 2010 Constitution that wananchi or the general populace has taken an interest in arbitration as a means for resolving disputes, although some confusion remains between what arbitration is versus mediation. “The privacy afforded to the disputing parties by arbitration is a contributing factor to its increased use. The judiciary’s attitude towards arbitration, the respect for the sanctity of the process and the contractual terms in addressing parties’ selection of the forum as well as the governing law, has markedly improved in the last several years.” Overall, Njeri holds a positive outlook for herself and her team, believing that through stability and continuity, her services will continue to improve, clients will continue to return, and her reputation will continue to be enhanced. “Moving forward, one prays for sustainability and continuity through the work and projects that I currently undertake. Hopefully, the visibility that international recognition provides will lead to further involvement in international arbitral references, projects and mediation.”