AI Magazine Issue 2 2018- Global Care Clinical Trials

8 Acquisition International - Issue 2 2018 120 West Strategic Communications LLC is a strategic communications and marketing agency helping companies, start-ups and enterprises achieve their goals through growth. We invited Ira M. Gostin, MBA to tell us more about the firm and its achievements. 20 West is a unique provider of comprehensive communications campaigns aligned directly to its clients’ business goals. Working with both public and private entities, the team employs strategic engagement to drive momentum and deliver measurable results. Chief Marketing Officer and President Ira is an entrepreneur, marketer, influencer and communications strategist who specialises in creating business growth with measurable results. 120 West combines Ira’s marketing passions and entrepreneurial spirit into creating growth and engagement strategies for clients. Ira is 120 West’s chief rainmaker and visionary, leading innovation, strategy, marketing and sales alignment. Last year, Ira was named the top Chief Marketing Officer in the Western U.S. for 2017 by Corporate Vision Magazine, and he also earned his Accreditation in Public Relations designation. A unique agency, 120 West is not like any old- school PR agency. The firm has developed a unique method of combining the best of investor relations techniques, marketing and creative thinking to help drive business methods forward. Ira tells us what else he believes differentiates the agency from its competitors, including being selected in the 2018 Global Excellence Awards as the Most Innovative Strategic Marketing Agency in Nevada last year. “Crucial to our success, our agency was forged in financial communications so for us, it is not about just putting out press releases, but aligning communications and marketing with a company’s financial goals. To be selected for this award is very exciting. It is a great honour, and as a new agency, the whole team is excited about receiving the recognition in business.” Furthermore, the marketing sector is seeing businesses use a lot more of social media to improve their business dealings, but Ira is keen Company: 120 West Strategic Communications LLC Contact: Ira M. Gostin, MBA Address: 316 California Ave #96, Reno, Nevada, 89509-1650, USA Phone: 001 775 525 9371 Website: Business Growth Fuelled by Strategy, Marketing & Communications. 1 1802AI07 to point out that 120 West goes in the opposite direction to this, believing social media is a benefit but not a necessity. “There are many agencies that rely on social to drive their business. For us, we use strategy to drive the objectives towards goals, so social media is just a tactic which is pretty far down on the list. Likes, clicks and shares do not move the needle on their own!” With the marketing sector constantly evolving, 120 West must employ certain techniques in order to guarantee that it stays ahead of emerging developments. Ira explains his own strategies, citing his experience and drive to always improve both himself and his company as a way of benefitting the agency. “As an entrepreneur, I am constantly reading, learning and attending continuing education. Additionally, being a mentor, I learn quite a bit working with young people in the business. Reading a variety of publications, along with listening to podcasts and watching financial news also helps me in every aspect of running the business.” Internally, 120 West is a great place to work, with Ira emphasising that his team get whatever they want if they need it. He provides the team with the freedom to use the best solution to provide the best outcome and surpass client expectations. “In respect of our employees, our team gets what they need. Everyone is empowered to obtain the tools they need to do their job and deliver great work for our clients, as we look to match and usually exceed their requirements.” Overall, there looks to be an exciting future ahead for 120 West. Looking to build and capitalise on its recent and ongoing success, the firm will continue to grow alongside its clients, whilst having fun at the same time.