AI Magazine Issue 3 2017

12 Acquisition International - March 2017 Leadership Skills Training Limited, winner of the Best of the Best in HR & Training 2017, has specialised in leadership, communication and presentation skills - for all levels - since 1984, making them one of the UK’s most experienced global consultancies. e retain this focus today, helping leaders communicate their messages with confidence and courage to their clients, colleagues, stakeholders and shareholders. Our service is 100% bespoke – we always start with you and your business; after all, leadership has no instruction manual! Our experience gives us a unique understanding of the common themes and challenges that hold true in every business and for every individual. Key today is what we term the ‘ladder gap’; the skills that have carried a person through one level are usually not enough to take them to the next. Moreover, the higher you get, the bigger the rungs are. Technical knowledge is vital but not sufficient in a world where personality is king. Future leaders need to demonstrate flexibility, integrity, empathy, presence, humour, courage and vision – even more so in our time-poor, digitalised culture. We focus on bringing personality into a person’s work style, encouraging them to not only know their message but be their message. The result? Leaders who operate more effectively at all levels, communicating and connecting in equal measure – we like to call it ‘connecticating’. Commercial reality is at the heart of our business; our training and coaching is always aligned to your corporate objectives. We take the time to research and understand your needs and the issues you face to deliver a uniquely tailored service. We then follow up with post coaching support to ensure learnings Company: Leadership Skills Training Ltd Name: Tara Fennessy Email: tara.fennessy@ Web: Address: 110 Bishopsgate London, EC2N 4AY UK Leadership Skills Training W 1703AI17 are embedded into commercial practice. Most importantly, we practise what we preach and build strong, on-going relationships with clients so that they have the confidence and trust to be themselves. Our work with clients ranges from coaching senior managers to climb the next rung in the career ladder, to building a team ‘extraordinaire’ which operates at its optimum, to mentoring senior leaders facing career defining challenges, enabling them to transcend boundaries in their professional life. Having coached over 5,000 senior professionals in the past five years alone, we pride ourselves on our unprecedented insight into what matters most for businesses. Based in modern, stylish offices in the heart of the city of London, we are perfectly placed to deliver off-site training but are equally happy to travel worldwide to meet our clients’ global training needs. If time away from the office isn’t practical for employees, we are also able to conduct training via online courses or in the form of breakfast briefings or lunchtime workshops. The clients who put their trust in us are testament to the vast experience we bring to every project and the results we achieve. We’re honoured to count a host of blue chips firms as valued customers, including EY, Tesco, PWC, Credit Suisse, Carrefour, Accenture, KPMG, Deloitte, Asda, Sears and JLL amongst others. In the past 12 months, we’ve helped these businesses overcome a variety of different corporate challenges, coaching both individuals and teams where required. One project of which we are justly proud is our work with retailer Tesco. With a focus on its international presence, the firm required a tailored presentation skills module for its directors across Europe and Southeast Asia. A priority for individuals at this level is demonstrating a corporate mind set whereby they can communicate their contribution to the bigger picture both succinctly and persuasively. Confidence in articulating thoughts and an impactful presentation technique – in conversations and meetings – is therefore crucial. However, for the majority on our course, English was not their first language, making presenting within an English speaking company doubly challenging. Our method is to keep things simple, creating a straightforward ‘ABC’ visual reference to enable delegates to present with impact, clarity and confidence and to which they can refer back in the future. Course participants reported that they were able not only to transform their presentation style, but also boost their confidence and performance within the business. The feedback from non-native English speakers is that they never would have imagined being able to communicate their thoughts so effectively in English, and the course has provided them with the tools to do so. Over the past year, we’ve also helped professional services firms EY and Accenture shape the leaders of tomorrow, preparing senior managers for the next stage in their career via our specially designed Lead with Impact courses. Working with delegates in a group setting, we focus on developing both performance and presence, coaching individuals to express their ‘best self’ in order to inspire belief among staff, internal stakeholders and clients that they are the person for the job. Winning the Best of the Best in HR & Training 2017 award is a fantastic accolade and confirmation of the fact that we always strive to go that extra mile for our clients. It’s also a reflection of our bespoke approach to helping firms overcome specific business challenges and our appreciation that training and coaching must align with strategic objectives whilst also meeting the needs of the individual – factors that we believe set us apart from the competition. We envisage that the award will further reinforce our unique offering and enable us to fulfil our ambition to deliver more training globally as we continue through 2017 and beyond. Our own vision is to be the best global bespoke leadership training and coaching consultancy – we’d like you to be a part of our journey…. You can read our brochure, ‘Helping Leaders Have the WOW Factor’ at: http://www.leadershipskills.