AI Magazine Issue 3 2017

Acquisition International - March 2017 25 Passionate About Intellectual Property compensation options which enable cost savings for clients,” comments Anders. “What sets Parallel North IP apart is our focus on the relatively unexplored European market. This enables us to not only guide the companies in the region, but also expose them to a global market and bring key international players into their scope of opportunity.” “Our team comes from really interesting and varied backgrounds. We have the right combination of legal, technical and business expertise, plus experience in operating companies, non- practicing entities, and patent/technology based corporations. This enables us to communicate with all stakeholders in the terms that are most important to them. Combined with our vigorous business acumen and market knowledge, we provide the necessary support for clients to close deals.” “There are numerous firms that provide services to draft, prosecute and litigate IP, but all are incentivised by the billing hours. As a consequence, this will not always generate the IP that will be in the best interest of the company, but may be just one IP out of many. A registered IP right will only generate cost during its life time unless there is a revenue stream connected to it. What makes Parallel North IP different is that we are focusing on the commercial value of our client’s IP. Parallel North IP is incentivised to maximise the value and we offer flexible compensation options accordingly.” Anders continues to explainmore how organisations and businesses can maximise the value of their IP assets whilst still ensuring that these assets are adequately protected. “These two go hand-in-hand as you can’t generate value out of something that you don’t protect, develop and nurture. It is not always the number of assets that counts, but the assets that are in use and potentially infringed that have a true monetary value. Thus, beyond the right itself, it is even more important to understand the use of such IP assets.” “An IP asset is like no other asset – it is intangible, the value is liquid, and the market is based on a small community with few stakeholders. IP assets are involved with numerous risks, which are many times not obvious, and each risk can have a huge impact on its value. Therefore, it is key to understand the dynamics of IP, and assess such risks (and opportunities) to properly to understand the potential of any IP assets.”