AI Magazine Issue 3 2017

Acquisition International - March 2017 33 A Stimulating Challenge launching, on May 22, 2013, in New York, of the International Financial Litigation. This is going to be an association of lawyers that work in law firms, banks and financial institutions to coordinate some kind of joint proposals to recover and strength confidence in financial institutions. Plans for the future We plan to continue to develop our ‘real estate law’ department and our ‘project financing and PPP’ department. These sectors of activity are growth sectors for the Moroccan economy and are developing very strongly, thanks to the large investment projects launched in Morocco during the last decade (Port of Tangier Med 2, solar power stations, wind power stations...). Our last words will be for Morocco where we encourage foreign investors to come. Thanks to its strategic geographical position, 14 km from Europe, and its historical and excellent relationship with West Africa countries, Morocco is a regional hub for investment. With the signing of several free-trade agreements (with European Union, USA, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia, WAEMU) Morocco also offers access to a market of 55 countries representing more than 1 billion consumers and 60% of world GDP. Moreover, there are many benefits, both in terms of competitiveness, with a low salary level, the average salary standing at around 237 USD / month, low tax rates, and stability of macroeconomic performances, with an average growth rate of 4.7% over the period 2001-2013. Foreign investors can also benefit from a set of mechanisms put in place to increase competition and transparency as the simplification of administrative procedures for businesses, and the strengthening of the business law framework (law on competition and free pricing, law on economic interest groups, law on industrial and intellectual property. In parallel, financial markets have been modernised. The Business Environment National Committee and the Central Authority on the Prevention of Corruption have been created to improve the business climate.