AI Magazine Issue 3 2017

Acquisition International - March 2017 53 The Largest Untapped Reservoir in the World reservations for incoming travellers. However, I also play a part in staff management and training for both safari operations and our camps, community project liaison with regards to budgets and funding for building projects, financial accountability (we have a team of accountants but I am the one writing the cheques) and general supervision of the customer service aspects of trips. My husband and I both feel that it is crucial that we are involved in every aspect of the company, indeed we watch how everyone in the team interacts with colleagues, with suppliers, with clients and so on. I don’t believe that when you are a director that you can just supervise from afar; my husband gets on the ground underneath a vehicle and I sit up late at night writing menus. It is the nature of this beautiful beast. Let’s not forget - I still run our family home – I’m a mother and wife before I even get up in the morning to go to the office! The vital role of my staff Staff in my opinion are the front line, they are the bridge that links us as a company to the rest of the world – past, present and future safari-goers. First impressions mean a lot and imprint a memory, often even before the first words are spoken. We invest a lot of time and money into staff training and believe it is a crucial part of our success. It is not enough to just know facts and figures, to regurgitate statistics and smile. We need to listen to our guests, and communicate information in such a way that it is received, understood and creates a dialogue for further discussion. We have always told our team that you can’t possibly be a good guide or team player if you yourself are not a good person, good husband/wife, good father/mother and good member of the community. We have guys who have been with us right from Day 1 – we are a working family and those families have extended their opportunities into something where their dependents are now working with the network. They might now provide fresh produce to our camps, sew car seat covers for our vehicles, supply woven baskets for storage or demonstrate their skills in professional development training. Customer feedback We are grateful to receive consistently positive feedback – and the part I like best is that it is just not a feedback about ‘the safari’. Our guests have shared some personal times and experiences with us, many of which will be told around the dinner table for years to come. The stories of a roaring lion outside their tented camp at night, the thousands of wildebeests crossing the raging rivers, the songs around the camp fire on their birthday and how they helped the Maasai lady fetch water with a donkey – these are all incredible memories and what we care to help guests create. As you see, a lot of the feedback we receive certainly denotes what wildlife guests have viewed - how they enjoyed their accommodations and how much they enjoyed the company of their guide – but it is so much more about ‘the feeling’ of people here and participating in something incredible. Opportunities and challenges ahead We have had a few tough years with global economic crises, global health issues, global terror threats and the implementation of VAT on tourism services in Tanzania impacting heavily on our company profits. I understand many companies in Tanzania, if not Africa, have been impacted in similar ways. But let’s look at it in a positive light and use this as learning. I believe once people understand that Tanzania is geographically peaceful, it is a country full of stunning natural resources (unique landscapes and wildlife), it is a country that is naturally welcoming and warm. Tanzania is building an incredible future for itself on the world stage, VAT collection assists with those goals. I predict vast improvements in Tanzania’s infrastructure and economic development this year and years ahead. As tourism develops in Tanzania, I would like to see benefits filtering more through society in general. After all, the environment that we work in belongs to Tanzanians as a whole and the whole country should see the benefits. I am honoured to be married to a man who is proudly Tanzanian. Together we endeavour to develop the skills and experience of Tanzanians, making sure that we provide jobs and opportunities in country. We believe that this is pivotal to maintaining sustainable tourism ideals in Tanzania. In terms of development for our own company, we have several projects on the horizon for Nasikia Camps – new properties, new locations. This is exciting news for us, and also for our Maasai Wanderings team of guides. Opening minds to new experiences and ideas can only benefit all of us. I believe that we offer a truly unique product within tourism in Tanzanian – as directors we have our eye on the ball, we listen to what our clients’ needs are and we go out of our way to make sure that their safari experience exceeds all their expectations. We are two dedicated and hard-working people – there is no remotely located board, there are no investors. It is our vision, our blood, sweat and tears. We utilise our local knowledge and international experience of efficiency to really deliver a product that some people only ever thought of as a wild dream. That’s what makes us happy, safaris should be accessible.