AI Magazine Issue 3 2017

60 Acquisition International - March 2017 PharmaFluidics is a spin-off of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, located in Flanders’ “Life Sciences valley”, near Ghent, Belgium. he key expertise of PharmaFluidics are the design, lithographic production, and surface treatment of silicon wafers for use as separation devices in liquid chromatography. Backed by the experienced Venture Capital (Qbic, PMV, Innovation Fund/ Essencia, Theodorus), PharmaFluidics has developed a series of game-changing chromatography products. With their unprecedented analytical resolution performance, PharmaFluidics’ µ PAC® micro-Chip based chromatography columns allow to detect more molecules, with higher sensitivity, in tiny, complex biological samples. µ PAC® micro-Chip columns have been test-sold since the end of 2016 to a limited number of test Company: PharmaFluidics Name: Katrien Vanhonacker Email: katrien.vanhonacker@ Web: Address: Technologiepark -Zwijnaarde 3, B-9052 Ghent (Zwijnaarde) BELGIUM Phone: +32 (0)9 241 56 57 PharmaFluidics: µPAC®micro-Chip based chromatography, a new paradigm for proteomic andmetabolomic profiling T customers for cutting-edge bio-marker, diagnostics and drug research & development applications; a comprehensive awareness and technical support program is currently deployed with key opinion leaders, expert centres and pioneer users at pharma, biotech companies and their specialised contractors to further the commercial development of our premium µ PAC® product family, with a range of specifications and prices. The µ PAC® micro-Chip columns substantially enhance the data productivity of commercial nano- LC/MS systems. Examples for cell tryptic digests and plant tissue extracts demonstrate that - when used in combination with state-of-the-art nano LC / MS instrumentation - PharmaFluidics µ PAC® columns achieve substantial advantages in peak capacity and number of identifications, compared to best-in-class legacy capillary columns. The µ PAC®micro-Chip columns have an immediate design and performance appeal to pioneer users in the pharmaceutical research and development segment. It is our expectation that in the medium term, additional secondary features such as convenience of use, workflow simplification, column longevity and robustness, and reduced solvent consumption will allow for the future generations of µ PAC® columns and cartridges to gain substantial market share over legacy packed columns, also for regulated and routine markets, e.g. in quality control, for a broad range of industry segments. Due to their unprecedented resolution performance, we believe there is also a bright future for µ PAC® micro-Chip columns to be used in combination with simplified, lower cost Mass Spectrometry systems, which will hence become affordable in many more settings and places. Ultimately, we envision the added value of the µ PAC® micro-chip columns also augmented by integrating micro-electronic functionalities on the very same silicon wafer substrate. In summary, PharmaFluidics expects the impact of the µ PAC® micro-Chip columns and follow-on product generations on the HPLC/MS market to be quick initially and to offer very substantial industry renewal and innovation opportunities in the medium term. “The µPAC® micro-Chip columns substantially enhance the data productivity of commercial nano-LC/MS systems.” PharmaFluidics: µ PAC® micro-Chip based chromatography, a new paradigm for proteomic and metabolomic profiling