AI Magazine Issue 3 2017

68 Acquisition International - March 2017 The firm Watson Wheatley builds reconciliation software to match data for firms trading on the financial markets. Additionally, they offer regulatory reporting capabilities and a best practice approach to data reconciliation through our consultancy services, more of which the firm’s Tom Wheatley reveals. hat does your client base look like? We have a broad range of financial clients including hedge funds, asset managers, commodities traders, private equity firms and peer to peer lenders. Many are UK based but we have clients in North & South America and Asia. What are your firm’s unique selling points? Our software was built for operations teams by operations people with real world experience of the problems our clients face. Our customer service, support and domain knowledge are unrivalled. What are the main challenges facing your company today? Scaling the business while keeping the same level Name: Tom Wheatley Company: Watson Wheatley Email: [email protected] Web: Address: 33 St James’s Square, London, SW1Y 4JS & Stuart House, Cromwell Busi- ness Park, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire OX7 5SR Phone: +44 (0)1608 649 641 A Glowing Report W of service for existing and new clients. Hiring the right people in a relatively niche area can also be tough. What are the main objectives for your business in the future? To continue the pattern of steady growth and expand our offering into more firms and different industries. What business or business person do you most admire and why? Phil Libin of Evernote. I saw Phil give a couple of talks at Saïd Business School in Oxford and was really impressed with the philosophy behind his business as well as the product itself. He has excellent insight into tech start-ups and the problems they face. A Glowing Report