AI Magazine Issue 3 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 3 2018 23 Innovation is the Centre of Nucleus’ Success innovating to meet the needs of our clients. As an entrepreneur, you start with an idea, and a small team around you to help convert this vision into a reality. As the business grows, it is critical that you continue to share and reiterate this vision with the wider team – and welcome input. “Importantly, I strongly believe in an ‘open door policy’. I sit on the main office floor, so I am constantly surrounded by the buzz of the sales team, and hearing the conversations taking place with customers and prospects. Everyone’s days are busy, but my team really does come first, and I care deeply about engaging with them on a personal level. “Encouraging feedback can be one of the hardest things to get right as a leader, but kick-starting an open and honest dialogue with staff makes for a happier and more productive team. This can be hard to do on an ad hoc basis, so I have recently formalised this at Nucleus with monthly Town Hall meetings with open Q&A sessions. Whether it is a request, an idea, a question that needs answering or a suggestion for how something could be improved, I encourage everyone to hold me and the senior team accountable.” Believing that there is always a way. Chirag outlines what attributes he believes have led to him being nominated as our UK CEO of the Year, citing education, optimism and paying great attention to detail. “Anyone in my team will tell you that my favourite phrase is ‘it is possible’. This is not just an empty phrase of optimism, it is a commitment to looking at every situation from all angles. Anything that challenges the status quo is difficult, and new ideas will always battle inertia. You have to work through it and educate your audience. No is always maybe. This curiosity and willingness to challenge is central to my DNA, and a mind-set that I feel strongly about instilling in those around me. I always tell people to not just think about the cost of doing something, but the cost of not doing something.” Within the company, it is important to ensure that everyone is working towards achieving the same mission, as well as motivating employees to be creative, innovative and provide the best service externally, something Chirag is able to do to an impressive standard. “As part of my role as CEO, I have worked hard to instil a culture of entrepreneurialism that encourages new thinking in finding solutions to challenges. Approaching situations from a position of opportunity, rather than a problem, is a simple flip in thinking, but often prompts bolder decisions, which have led to some of our greatest product developments. Go to the edge of the cliff without fear and see what happens.” Regarding the management of staff, again Chirag alludes to the freedom of creativity that he affords his employees. He comments on the fact that he does not micro manage staff, but sets them goals in which they can find their own way to match and reach. “It is so important to give your team the freedom to explore their full potential and not micro manage them. Your people make your business, but they can only do this if you provide clear goals and objectives, and the information that they need to be creative in finding solutions. This will not work if you only celebrate the successes. Entrepreneurship is about valuing the activities which may not have led to the desired outcome, but which have delivered valuable lessons along the way.”