AI Magazine Issue 3 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 3 2018 31 “Internally,alloftheteamareextremely important to the success of our firm. Unlike large law firms, when a client retains us, they will work with the same attorney and same paralegal throughout their case and not get passed down to a different attorney or staff member. Our clients also have our cell phone numbers, so unless Michael or I are in trial, a hearing, or a deposition, they are usually able to get a hold of us whenever need be. Our staff provide assistance, where appropriate, to help minimize expenses and our clients have expressed their satisfaction with our staff in helping move their case to completion.” In his concluding comments, Brandon signs off by outlining Schwartz Law Firm’s future aspirations, maintaining that the firm is in a great position, and he is quick to praise the clients that the firm works with, before stating that both he and his law partner are motivated to do the best in law. “Moving forward, we are in a fortunate position in that we have clients that we enjoy working with, issues that we enjoy litigating, great office locations, competent staff, and supportive family. We want to continue to utilize our assets to obtain the best possible results for our clients. Both Michael and I love litigating and enjoy working together, and when you love what you do and you have the support of those around you, positive outcomes occur.” When Winning Matters