AI Issue 4 2017

42 Acquisition International - April 2017 Dr. Árpád PETH Ő talks to us about the increasing interests in Intellectual Property matters in Hungary for Danubia Patent & Law Office LLC in 2016 and the associated challenges, following their awarding of the Ones to Watch in IP accolade. ased in Budapest, Hungary Danubia is the oldest and largest Intellectual Property law firm in the country established in 1949 and operating as a private partnership since 1990 and has qualified Hungarian and European Patent attorneys with qualifications covering all fields of technology. As a result of a large number of patent, trademark and design cases (both prosecution and enforcement) represented and completed to the satisfaction of its domestic and foreign clients a high domestic and international reputations has been developed. Enforcement work is often carried out together with a closely cooperating law firm Sar & Partners Attorneys at Law. With Hungary’s membership to the EU and the EPC, the work has gradually become more and more focused to European IP cases and clients use the firm for obtaining protection for their inventions and trademarks all over the world. Main areas of practice: Patents: • Prosecution and enforcement of Hungarian patent cases for clients all over the world, validating European patents in Hungary, preparing, filing and prosecuting international (PCT) and European patent applications including oppositions before the EPO. • Providing pre-litigation advice to clients and fighting against infringers. • Providing subject searches and giving freedom to operate opinions. The listed services include utility models as well. • Providing services in the field of concluding license agreements and registering licenses. • Operating a reliable maintenance payment system. Trademarks: • Filing and prosecuting trademark applications and oppositions in Hungary, before EUIPO and with associates all over the world. Company: Danubia Patent & Law Office LLC Name: Managing Partner. Dr. Árpád PETH Ő Email: [email protected] Web: Address: 1051 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zs. str. 16., HUNGARY Phone: + 36 1 411 8700 Waiting Patently B 1704AI40 • Assisting clients in enforcing their trademark rights that include counseling, warning potential infringers, filing lawsuits and concluding license agreements. • Carrying out trademark searches and giving opinions in the case of collisions. Domain names: Registering domain names and representing clients in domain-name related disputes like ADR proceedings. Designs: Filing national, international and European Design applications, and representing clients in all design- related matters. Special characteristics of the firm: It is a specialty of the firm’s practice that in Hungary in addition to the national routes one can obtain valid patent, trademark and design rights also through European patents, European trademarks and Registered Community Designs, therefore the practice integrally includes work with the EPO and EUIPO. The firm’s services are widely used by Hungarian applicants in obtaining and defending their IP rights worldwide where they are represented directly before the EPO and EUIPO and through associates in other territories. Furthermore, an interesting and increasing segment of the services provided mainly for overseas clients in obtaining them IP rights in Europe and in certain cases worldwide. The representation of the clients in litigation before competent courts and authorities is limited mostly to Hungary but the professional staff often advices clients in litigations in other countries where local lawyers or IP practitioners are involved. Concerning the patent maintenance services, the firm’s annuity and renewal payment system is substantial, over 10.000 payments are made each year. In the last 12 months, the firm has validated 46% of all granted European Patent of foreign origin validated in Hungary, and the firm has filed the most EP and PCT patent applications from Hungary and the activities in filing trademarks, initiating and defending oppositions and cancellations of national trademarks is substantial, and our involvement in local patent and trademark litigation proceedings is also high. Ones to Watch in IP Perhaps because the significant role that Danubia plays in the field of Intellectual Property and the continuity of high quality services this activity “The secret behind a good service is permanent education, practice and increased use of modern technology and a balance with team work and sharing practice within the firm.”