AI Issue 4 2017

Acquisition International - April 2017 49 Testing, Testing, Testing has happened, things get more technical and that is when we would bring in the experts, so in this sense all of the staff here are equally important and they are the face of the firm.” “Much of what we do is keeping up with technology trends, but it is becoming hard to keep up with them all including new legislation and regulations in the countries we are working in. We have to be up-to- date with these all the time, as well as ensuring that we have state-of-the art equipment so that we are better than the competition. We do this by attending a number of seminars and fairs, being where the customers are and listening to them, as well as what governments are putting out. We then ensure, that we gather the information when we get home, and look into investing into new equipment that will take us into whatever direction the market is going.” In terms of the future, Kim says that they want to carry on being the preferred third party laboratory, for all the businesses we serve. While some of the firm’s customers have their own testing facilities, they still tend to use Eurofins Product Testing, because when they come with their own test report, it is always better to get a third-party report that looks at a product critically. “We also want to keep our service level as high as possible and measuring what the customers think about. We try to be better all the time, so we are not satisfied with being the number one in our field. We always want to challenge the status quo and improve, in order to stay ahead of the competition.”