AI Issue 4 2017

投资移民 Published by www. citizenshipinvestment .org issue 8 Special Chinese edition Winter 2016 投资移民 TopTenCountriesFor CitizenshipBy Investment Citizenship viaResidency PurchasingRealEstateAbroad Canada Liechtenstein Hungary Malta Portugal Switzerland Antigua&Barbuda U.S.A UnitedKingdom 十大投资移民国 居留移民 购置海外房产 加拿大 列支敦士登 瑞士 英国 安提瓜和巴布达 美国 马耳他 葡萄牙 匈牙利 InsideThis Issue ... InFocus ... 232MadisonAvenue,Suite1001 NewYork,NY10016 Tel: (212)233-7473 Fax: (212)233-4877 • IndustryLeaders 行业领袖 • Renowned attorneys, lecturer and author 著名律师、讲师和作家 • Experienced inUSSecurities&Corporate law 在美国证券法和公司法方面拥有丰富的经验 • Experienced inUS Immigration law 在美国移民法方面拥有丰富的经验 Citizenshipby Investment SpecialChineseEdition–Winter2016 投资移民 www. citizenshipinvestment .org TopTenCountriesFor CitizenshipBy Investment Citizenship viaResidency PurchasingRealEstateAbroad Canada Liechtenstein Hungary Malta Portugal Switzerland Antigua&Barbuda U.S.A UnitedKingdom issue 7 Special Chinese edition Summer 2016 InsideThis Issue... InFocus ... 十大投资移民国 居留移民 购置海外房产 加拿大 列支敦士登 瑞士 英国 安提瓜和巴布达 投资移民 美国 马耳他 葡萄牙 匈牙利 www. citizenshipinvestment .org Antigua&Barbuda CommonwealthofDominica Cyprus Grenada Hungary Liechtenstein St.Kitts&Nevis U.S.A issue 8 WINTER 2016 InsideThis Issue... InFocus ... TopCountriesForCitizenship By Investment FamilyWealth BREXIT أنتيغوا وبربودا كومنولثدومينيكا قبرص غرينادا المجر ليختنشتاين سانكيتسونيفيس الولاياتالمتحدة الأمريكية البادانالعشرة الاوائلللحصولعلى الجنسية عنطريقالاستثمار الثروة العائلية مقالالبريكسيت Citizenship by Investment is the go-to publication for investors considering their citizenship options. Containing a wealth of information surrounding relevant immigration issues and entertaining features, CBI offers its readership an in-depth perspective of the industry. In a world full of possibilities, Citizenship by Investment can help you and your family towards your dream citizenship – guarantee the security and prosperity of your family by picking up a copy of CBI today.